With entries coded with 8FxxH in STATUS, refer to the information in the STEP 7 Standard and System Functions reference manual. The chapter describing error evaluation with the RET_VAL output parameter contains detailed information
0 0 8180H Startup:
The DP service was started but data acceptance is not yet possible.Normal operation:
Data transfer active.
DP has not started due to CP STOP or "no parameter assignment" (occurs here instead of the code 0,1,8183H !)
1 0 0000 H New data accepted without error.
0 1 8183H No configuration or the DP service has not yet started on the PROFIBUS CP.
0 1 8184H System error or illegal parameter type.
0 1 8F22H Area length error reading a parameter (e.g. DB too short).
0 1 8F23H Area length error writing a parameter (e.g. DB too short).
0 1 8F24H Area error reading a parameter.
0 1 8F25H Area error writing a parameter.
0 1 8F28H Alignment error reading a parameter.
0 1 8F29H Alignment error writing a parameter.
0 1 8F30H Parameter is in the write杙rotected 1st act. data block.
0 1 8F31H Parameter is in the write杙rotected 2nd act. data block.
0 1 8F32H The DB number in the parameter is too high.
0 1 8F33H DB number error.
0 1 8F3AH Destination area not loaded (DB).
0 1 8F42H Timeout reading a parameter from the I/O area.
0 1 8F43H Timeout writing a parameter to the I/O area.
0 1 8F44H Address of the parameter to be read is disabled in the access track.
0 1 8F45H Address of the parameter to be written is disabled in the access track.
0 1 8F7FH Internal error, e.g. illegal ANY reference.
0 1 8090H No module with this address exists.
0 1 8091H Logical base address not at a double word boundary.
0 1 80A1H Negative acknowledgment writing to the module.
0 1 80B0H The module does not recognize the data record.
0 1 80B1H The specified data record length is incorrect.mastermode:
The length of the source area in the SEND parameter is greater than the length configured on the PROFIBUS CP for output data.Slave mode:
The length of the source area specified in the SEND parameter is greater than the specified maximum length (refer to the product information /1/). With newer CP types, the following applies to the master and slave mode: The amount of data to be sent exceeds the upper limit permitted for this service.
0 1 80C0H The data record cannot be read.
0 1 80C1H The specified data record is currently being processed.
0 1 80C2H There are too many jobs pending.
0 1 80C3H Resources (memory) occupied.
0 1 80C4H Communication error (occurs temporarily, it is usually best to repeat the job in the user program).
0 1 80D2H Logical base address incorrect.