Can I use the Backup Scanner with my SLC 5/05?
Yes. Any processor that is M-File capable processor can be used with the backup scanner. As mentioned previously the Ethernet communications will not be backed up.
Do I need two Backup Scanners?
In order to have a redundant backup system you need a minimum of two 1747-BSN modules in two separate chassis with two processors. One Backup scanner in a chassis can provide functionality identical to a 1747-SN.
How many backup scanners can I use in one chassis?
Up to eight Backup scanners can be used in one single local I/O chassis. Note: these eight modules then occupy the entire I/O image table of the SLC 500 processor. Care must be taken when considering power supply loading. The 1747-BSN modules are not compatible with extended local I/O chassis. The modules must be present in the same physical chassis with the processor.
Does the Backup scanner provide Hot Backup?
No. The Backup system is redundant. There is no synchronization between the processor program executions. The two systems run the same program independently. The 1747-BSN controls which processor has control of the outputs.
What ladder logic is required to get the Backup System working properly?
None. When properly wired and configured the backup system is automatic.
Do I need to use the Data Exchange Ladder Logic to back up my block transfer data?
No. All Remote I/O Data including input and block transfer M-file buffers is automatically exchanged between the two Backup Scanners. The secondary appears to be executing block transfers and receiving the data.
Can I control which processor is the primary at power up?
Yes. There is a procedure in the 1747-BSN Backup Scanner User Manual to follow at power up. If both units power up simultaneously the two Backup Scanners try to negotiate which will be primary and secondary. This may produce undesirable results.
What is the purpose of the User Configurable DIP switch?
Position four of the six-position switch does not affect module configuration in any way. It is set by the user for internal use. M1:s.3402/11 follows the position of this switch. One possible use is system identification.
What is Error code XX62H mean?
This means there is no G-File data entered.
Where can I get answers to the rest of my questions?
Information supporting the answers listed above and solutions to almost all configuration questions can be found in the 1747-BSN Backup Scanner User Manual Pub. # 1747-6.22. It can be downloaded at no charge from
在四川成都INTEL,1747 BACKUP得以广泛应用,如有SLC500的软冗余问题,敬请垂询!
Customer Service & Maintenance Area Manager
Nemo Yu