Honeywell Care与Loytec L-IP或者Echelon i.LON600的配置 点击:1895 | 回复:0


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  • 帖子:7帖 | 11回
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  • 历史总积分:47
  • 注册:2001年5月22日
发表于:2006-10-27 17:42:00
Subject: iLon600 with Honeywell Care -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I am trying to setup an iLon600 as an RNI within Honeywell Care. I have the Lonworks Interface setup and I can read traffic through the RNI when using the LonScanner, but I cant use the X.Default.RNI as the network device within Care 5.0 It says "Unable to open LonWorks Network Interface X.Default.RNI" Its very frustrating because I have all the devices commissioned through the FT-10 Interface, but when I syncronize the database to EBI I get failures on the iLon600 router. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Sam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I might be able to help, although I am not very familiar with RNIs. Can you give me a little background info? Oh, that Remote Network Interface? Is that the same as a VNI (Virtual Network Interface)? I always define my VNI using the Echelon LonWorks Interfaces tool/applet. Define your VNI there, and in your Echelon LonWorks/IP Configuration server, create the VNI there as well. Back in the LonWorks Interfaces applet you should be able to "test" and get an almost immediate reply from the Config server. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sam In fact ,it is very easy to configure i.LON 600 or L-IP with Honeywell Care! It seems like you dont truely understand RNI and VNI. If you use Echelons i.LON 600( EIA 852 ROUTER), you need use VNI and create the IP channel with i.LON 600 or L-IP. By the way, you also use NIC852 interface to replace Echelons VNI interface to cofigure i.LON 600 or L-IP. If you use Echelons i.LON 10&100, you need use RNI and create IP RNI channel with i.LON 10&100. Kind regards Zhuo Yi Beijing,China


