黑匣子(black box): 建筑物自动化的需要 点击:2412 | 回复:0


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发表于:2003-01-16 14:24:00
黑匣子(black box): 建筑物自动化的需要 飞机,汽车均有黑匣子记录仪用于冒险事故,记录各种仪表数据,语音等,如飞行速度,纬度,以帮助分析、确定发生事件的原因等。 建筑物自动化也需要黑匣子,建筑物自动化黑匣子可以记录的数据:人类健康,人身安全,财产盗窃丢失等。对这个黑匣子可以通过下面的文章重新理解。 Those who have been in the control business long enough to remember how dramatically the 1970"s oil crises impacted the industry, will not find the term "black box" to be a new one. The term had a negative stigma associated with it in the late 1970"s and early 1980"s. Easy access to microprocessor technology at that time made it possible for controllers, often called black boxes, to flood the market, and many of those devices failed to meet expectations. The reasons for this included: hardware, poor documentation and support, and / or software, the owner had no idea what was programmed, how to change it or to improve sequences, etc. Some combination of these issues led to a poor impression of these black boxes, however, a recent article in the New York Times made it clear that the term could actually bring a positive connotation in today"s automation business. The article pointed out that automobile companies are beginning to apply "black box recorders" like the airlines do, to allow for investigators to determine the events prior to an accident. How soon before the collision did the drive hit the brakes? If Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) technology is available, it may even be possible to pinpoint the location of each car approaching the impact, etc. So here is an idea, there is nothing that these black boxes in airliners are capable of that a Building Automation Systems can"t provide for buildings. Why not use that to sell automation to management? Even more exciting is that total integration of HVAC, Access and Video Surveillance, can further enhance the capability of a Building Automation System to become a tremendous investigation tool. The Marketing Opportunity Building Automation Black Box Recorders could be an owner"s best option for protecting occupants and equipment in facilities, in addition to saving energy cost and ensuring comfort. Building Managers and Integrators can demonstrate to decision-makers how this technology can duplicate the same degree of forensic data that is available from airline-type black box recorders, for building issues. This may be an excellent opportunity to educate building owners to the benefits of Integration, by showing the value of having this facility data in a central repository. The Integration Story System Integration has been growing in popularity over the past decade. With standardization of data communication for control systems and rapid advances in Internet-based technology, total building integration is available now. A study from SDM Magazine was the subject of an article last fall documenting that this industry has grown to a least $2.4 billion in sales per year. Integrators, who have demonstrated both cost benefits and system function improvements available from Integration, drove much of this growth. Yet automation and integration can still be a hard sell to management. Given this new concept of using a black box for "building forensics" maybe there is an added benefit to help get management to fund these systems. The value of information has become more and more clear in business over the past decade and building data offers some real benefits. The "black box" concept makes sense given that there are a host of risks associated with operating a building, and integrated systems can help owners to control those risks. First consider the types of data are available from an airline flight recorder. These "recorders", or black boxes, initially provided an aural record of events in the cockpit including all of the conversations between pilot and copilot, etc. More recent devices reportedly record voices as well as data from instruments such as: air speed, altitude, geographic coordinates, etc. The next question is, what type of data would be useful to building owners and why? Buildin


