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  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2002-10-31 08:40:00
Which DeviceNet devices are compliant with SEMI standards SEMI E54 and SEMI E54.4. Answered by Dan Judd, Chairman of the Semiconductor SIG, e-mail: A172) The SEMI standard is broken into parts: E54 is an umbrella document. E54.1 is the common device model (required for all devices) E54.4 is the network model for DeviceNet E54.3 is a specific device model for a Mass Flow Controller (the only approved Specific Device Model so far) One of our customers would like to use CAN-Open and DeviceNet modules on the same network. Is it possible to serve both bus-type stations via one CAN-Master? Answered by William H. (Bill) Moss, ODVA Executive Director, e-mail: A175) No, we advise against having CANOpen and DeviceNet devices on the same bus. The devices are not logically interoperable, and their physical layers are very different (DeviceNet has a special mis-wiring protection because the physical layer was designed to support signal and power on the same cable...CANOpen is not the same). They share the same CAN chips, but the application layer and physical layer designs are very different. The application layer^ use of the CAN ID field is totally different between the two networks. There would most certainly be conflicts that could result in nodes getting incorrect data, which could have disastrous effects.


