发表于:2007-08-17 09:54:00
单词 解释 例句或者词组 音标
abbrivation 缩写 [ə,bri:vi`eifn]
absolute 绝对 absolute output 绝对最大输出 [`aebsəlu:t]
actuator 执行器
against 对比 I/O signals against PC CPU
allocate 分配 allocate the user area in buffer memory [`aeləkeit]
alter 改变 even if the output characteristic is altered by changing offset/gain setting [`o:tə]
ambient 环境 周围 ambient operating temperature [`aembiənt]
analog 模拟 analog output [`aenəlog]
analysis 分析 the collection an and analysis of data [ə`naeləsis]
applicable 可用 the applicable CPU for the module
assign 分配 The teacher has assigned each of us a holiday task. assign I/O number [ə`sain]
back up battey 备用电池
barcode reader/ID 条形码阅读器
base unit 主基板
baud 波特 [bo:d]
beforehand 事先
binary 二进制 12 bit binary [`bainəri]
buffer memory 缓冲存储器
bus 总线
case 外壳 do not remove the module's print board from the case
characteristic 特征 I/O characterristic [`kaerəktə`ristik]
check 校验 the data link status canbe checked
child-station 子站
common terminal 公共端
compatible 兼容 compatible with the MODBUS protocol
compound 混合 compound system communication [`compaund]
condensation 结露
condition 条件 condition setting
conductive 导电 conductive metal picees
configuration 组态 system configuration
configure 组态
confirm 确认 how to confirm the operation of the module
consumption 消耗 current consumption [kən`s^mp∫n]
content 目录
control level 控制级
convenient 方便 more convenient and easy-to-use
conventionaly 传统 which conventionaly has been used [kən,venfen'aeləti]
conversion 转换 Analog-Digital conversion module
converter 转换器 [cən`və:tə]
conveyor 传送 conveyor line [cən`veiə]
corrosive 腐蚀 corrosive gas [kə`rəusiv]
countermeasure 对策 countermeasure for mis-inpute
cutoff 切断
debug 调试 is recommended before debugging
dedicated 屏蔽 cc-link dedicated cable
dedicated 专用 dedicated transmission protocol
default value 缺省值
define 解释 阐明 Offset value and gain value are defined as follow. [di`fain]
design 设计 design a system
device level 现场级
diagnosis 诊断 diagnosis function [daiəg`nəusis]
digital 数字 digital inpute
DIN rail 导轨
diverse 不同的各种各样的 a diverse application requirements [dai`və:s]
download 下载
duplicate 完全一样 [`dju:plikət]
dust 灰尘
eliminate 免得 [i`limineit]
enterprise level 管理级 [`entəprais]
erase 清除
exceed 超出 The number admitted must not exceed 200 [ik`si:d]
execute 执行 date link is executed using these parameters [`eksikju:t]
expand 扩展 can be eapanded up to 255 networks
faulty 故障站
field bus 现场总线
fix 固定
flexibly 灵活的 to support a variety systerm flexibly [`fleksəbli]
flow 流量
format 格式 transmission format [`fo:maet]
fuse 融丝
graph 图标 坐标图 曲线图 voltage output characterristic graph [gra:f]
guaranteed 担保 nomal operr