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  • 注册:2003年4月06日
发表于:2004-11-04 08:56:00


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  • 注册:2001年7月18日
发表于:2004-11-04 12:09:00
How do you replace TMPN3120B1AM or TMPN3120E1M with TMPN3120A20M? How do you replace TMPN3120A20M with TMPN3120FE3M? How do you replace TMPN3120FE3M with TMPN3120FE5M? TMPN3120A20M is pin-to-pin compatible with TMPN3120B1AM and TMPN3120E1M. However, TMPN3120A20M has a different firmware version as it has additional features such as increased ROM. So, the application program needs to be re-compiled/linked to use the TMPN3120A20M. Also, TMPN3120A20M, TMPN3120FE3M and TMPN3120FE5M are pin-to-pin compatible parts, with varying size of EEPROM and RAM. As your application grows, you can replace the existing part with the one with increased EEPROM and RAM. However, doing this also requires you to re-build the application image as described below. To rebuild (re-compile and link) the application program, do the following: Step 1: Make sure you have the most current software for the LonBuilder or NodeBuilder development tools. For information on development tools software update, please refer to the Software Updates section. Note: Link Software updates above in the web-page to: http://www.toshiba.com/taec/components/Generic/software_updates.shtml Step 2: Using the LonBuilder development tool, follow the procedure for building an application image. Refer to the LonBuilder's User Guide for detailed instructions on this procedure. Some of the key steps are described below. Select App Node option from the LonBuilder's Home menu. 1) From App Node menu options, select HW Properties, and specify the following parameters: HW Property Name: 3120 option for 3120B1AM and 3120E1M 3120A20 option for 3120A20M and 3120A20U 3120E3 option for 3120FE3M and 3120FE3U 3120E5 option for 3120FE5M Input Clock Rate: HW Type: Custom Node HW Prop. Name: Specify other parameters to be the same used in the previous application image for the Neuron Chip that you are replacing. For detailed information on selecting other steps, refer to the LonBuilder's User Guide, available from Echelon. 3) From App Node menu options, select App Images, and specify the parameters to be the same used in the previous application image for the Neuron Chip that you are replacing. 4) From App Node menu options, select Node Specs, and specify the following parameters: Node Name: