public override bool GroupRun(ref string message, ref CogToolResultConstants result) { // To let the execution stop in this script when a debugger is attached, uncomment the following lines. // #if DEBUG // if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); // #endif ///定义输入图像和初始化输出信号 CogImage8Grey image = mToolBlock.Inputs["Image"].Value as CogImage8Grey; mToolBlock.Outputs["MidLine"].Value = null; mToolBlock.Outputs["MidLineAngle"].Value = 999.999; ///定义lineA和lineB两条直线,并把输入的直线赋值给图像 // Run each tool using the RunTool function foreach(ICogTool tool in mToolBlock.Tools) mToolBlock.RunTool(tool, ref message, ref result); CogLine lineA = mToolBlock.Inputs["LineA"].Value as CogLine; CogLine lineB = mToolBlock.Inputs["LineB"].Value as CogLine; ///把lineA和lineB的坐标空间映射到输入图像的坐标空间中,创建lineAMapped和lineBMapped两条新的直线 CogLine lineAMapped = lineA.Map(image.GetTransform(image.SelectedSpaceName, lineA.SelectedSpaceName), CogCopyShapeConstants.All) as CogLine; CogLine lineBMapped = lineB.Map(image.GetTransform(image.SelectedSpaceName, lineB.SelectedSpaceName), CogCopyShapeConstants.All) as CogLine; ///获取两条线的参考点 Line Reference Point(XY和角度R,该角度为相对于X轴的角度,以弧度表示) double xA, yA, rA, xB, yB, rB; lineAMapped.GetXYRotation(out xA, out yA, out rA); //获得lineAMapped参考点 lineBMapped.GetXYRotation(out xB, out yB, out rB); //获得lineBMapped参考点 /// 计算lineAMapped和lineBMapped 之间的角度 double dxA = Math.Cos(rA); double dyA = Math.Sin(rA); double dxB = Math.Cos(rB); double dyB = Math.Sin(rB); double dot= dxA * dxB + dyA * dyB; // dot为向量A和向量B的点积 dot = Math.Min(1.0, Math.Max(-1.0, dot)); //设定dot为单位向量-1.0 - 1.0之间的值 double angSpan = Math.Acos(dot); //获得两条直线之间的夹角 ///通过判定找到角平分线的夹角MidAngle double midAngle0 = rA + angSpan / 2.0; //LineA上方角度 double midAngle1 = rA - angSpan / 2.0; //LineA下方角度 double x0, y0, x1, y1; x0 = Math.Cos(midAngle0); //LineA上方的参考点XY y0 = Math.Sin(midAngle0); x1 = Math.Cos(midAngle1); //LineA下方的参考点XY y1 = Math.Sin(midAngle1); double dot0 = x0 * dxB + y0 * dyB; //dot0 为上方参考点向量与LineB向量的点积 double dot1 = x1 * dxB + y1 * dyB; //dot1 为下方参考点向量与LineB向量的点积 double midAngle = midAngle0; if (dot0 < dot1) //dotx 值越说明与LineB的夹角(Acos(dotx))越小,最终输出LineA和LineB两线之间的夹角 midAngle = midAngle1; /// 计算角平分线的交点 CogLine cutLine = new CogLine(); cutLine.SelectedSpaceName = image.SelectedSpaceName; cutLine.SetXYRotation((xA + xB) / 2.0, (yA + yB) / 2.0, midAngle+Math.PI/2.0); //创建一条角平分线的垂线 CogIntersectLineLineTool lineLineIntersectA = new CogIntersectLineLineTool(); //计算LineA和垂线CutLine的交点 lineLineIntersectA.InputImage = image; lineLineIntersectA.LineA = cutLine; lineLineIntersectA.LineB = lineAMapped; lineLineIntersectA.Run(); CogIntersectLineLineTool lineLineIntersectB = new CogIntersectLineLineTool(); //计算LineB和垂线CutLine的交点 lineLineIntersectB.InputImage = image; lineLineIntersectB.LineA = cutLine; lineLineIntersectB.LineB = lineBMapped; lineLineIntersectB.Run(); if (lineLineIntersectA.Intersects && lineLineIntersectB.Intersects) //如果LineA和LineB不平行,说明两线相交,则输出交点 { double centerX= (lineLineIntersectB.X + lineLineIntersectA.X) / 2.0; double centerY= (lineLineIntersectB.Y + lineLineIntersectA.Y) / 2.0; CogLine midLine = new CogLine(); midLine.SelectedSpaceName = image.SelectedSpaceName; midLine.SetXYRotation(centerX, centerY, midAngle); mToolBlock.Outputs["MidLine"].Value = midLine; //输出角平分线(锐角) mToolBlock.Outputs["MidLineAngle"].Value = CogMisc.RadToDeg( midAngle); //输出角平分线的角度(相对X轴的弧度) } return false; }
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