;wago module
;fronius welding device
;analog output
INDW0=0 ;$IN【1-32】
OUTDW0=0 ;$OUT【1-32】
; IOSYS.INI - Configuration file for the IO-System
; For configuration help go to the end of this file.
; ATTENTION !!!! Since V5.0 Build13 we have removed the DeviceNet
; driver "dndrv.o". Now you have to use the driver
; "dn2drv.o" and the appropriate syntax (form 2)
INW0=0 ;$IN【1-16】
OUTW0=0 ;$OUT【1-16】
OUTW2=2 ;$OUT【17-32】
;------- Inputs ---------
;Slave Inputs
INW50=896 ;$IN【401-416】
INW52=898 ;$IN【417-432】
INW54=900 ;$IN【433-448】
INW56=902 ;$IN【449-464】
;------- Outputs --------
;Slave Outputs
OUTW50=896 ;$OUT【401-416】
OUTW52=898 ;$OUT【417-432】
OUTW54=900 ;$OUT【433-448】
OUTW56=902 ;$OUT【449-464】
;wago module
;fronius welding device
;analog output
INDW0=0 ;$IN【1-32】
OUTDW0=0 ;$OUT【1-32】
;------- Inputs ---------
;Slave Inputs
INW50=896 ;$IN【401-416】
INW52=898 ;$IN【417-432】
INW54=900 ;$IN【433-448】
INW56=902 ;$IN【449-464】
;------- Outputs --------
;Slave Outputs
OUTW50=896 ;$OUT【401-416】
OUTW52=898 ;$OUT【417-432】
OUTW54=900 ;$OUT【433-448】
OUTW56=902 ;$OUT【449-464】
; =ConNo, additional offset,xSize
; =ConNo, additional offset,xSize
;Valid entries have the following formats.
;Arguments in squared brackets are optional.
;If nothing else is mentioned, arguments are decimal.
;Digital Inputs and Outputs:
; Form 1:
; {token}{offset}={byte}【,{multip}】
; {token} INB (byte), INW (word), INDW (double word)
; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System (0..m)
; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and
; ends with m at the end of the last device.
; {multip} creats n dataobjects of {token}
; Example:
; OUTW4=2,x3
; Three words of the periphery, starting at byte 2,
; are mapped to the outputs 33-80.
; Form 2:
; {token}{offset}={address},{byte}【,{multip}】
; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System
; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m)
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the every device
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {multip} creats n data objects of {token}
; Example:
; INW4=10,0,x2
; Two words of the peripheral device with address 10 and
; up from byte 0 are mapped to the inputs 33-80.
;Analog Inputs and Outputs:
; Form 1:
; {token}{num}={byte},{res},{type}【,CAL{factor}】
; {token} ANIN or ANOUT
; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i)
; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and
; ends with m at the end of the last device.
; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits)
; {type} type of analog value
; 0 : right justified without sign
; 1 : right justified with sign
; 2 : left justified without sign
; 3 : left justified with sign
; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal without prefix,
; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal with prefix 0
; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum
; Example:
; ANIN1=10,12,3
; The analog input No.1 is used. The byte offset on
; peripheral side is 10, the resolution is 12 bit and the
; type of analog value is 3 (left justified with sign).
; The maximum binary analog value(二进制模拟量) is 2047.
; Form 2:
; {token}{num}={address},{byte},{res},{type}【,CAL{factor}】
; {token} ANIN or ANOUT
; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i)
; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m)
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m)
; Offset starts with 0 at the every device
; driver specific information, see descr. below
; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits)
; {type} type of analog value
; 0 : right justified without sign
; 1 : right justified with sign
; 2 : left justified without sign
; 3 : left justified with sign
; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal(十进制) without prefix,
; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal(八进制) with prefix 0
; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum
; Example:
; ANIN3=30,0,16,2,CAL 0x6C00
; The analog input No.3 is used. The device address is 30,
; the byte offset at this device is 0, the resolution is
; 16 bit and the type of analog value is 2 (left justified
; without sign). The maximum binary analog value(二进制模拟值) is 27648.
; The CAL-factor is especially required in case of using
; Profibus analog modules.
;【MFC】 MFC-IO with KRC1 / CAN-IO-Modul with KRC2
; Entries in form 1
;【INTERBUS/INTERBUSPCI】 Interbus Phoenix Mast./Slave Cu/LWL
; Entries in form 1
; $IN/OUT【n_1】=(n+1)*8-7
; $IN/OUT【n_8】=(n+1)*8
;【DEVNET】 DeviceNet on the KUKA MFC
; Entries in form 2 for driver dn2drv.o
; {address}=DeviceNet MACID
;【DNSC1】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;【DNSC2】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;【DNSC3】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;【DNSC4】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;【DNSC5】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1
;【DNSC6】 DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = DeviceNet slave MACID
; {address} = MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2
;【PBMASL】 ProfiBus Siemens Master/Slave CP5614
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = Slave DP-address
; {address} = 127 ==> Slave part of CP5614
;【DSEIO】 Digital inputs/outputs for KR C3A
; Entries in form 1
;【CNKE1】 ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = ConNo
; {byte} = additional offset
;【CNKE2】 ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik
; Entries in form 2
; {address} = ConNo
; {byte} = additional offset
;【IOLINKING】 Outputs follow inputs
; Special form:
; $OUT【{bitoffset}】=$IN【{bitoffset}】
; {bitoffset} Bit(!)offset in the robot I/O-System,
; starting with 1 (1..MAXIO)
; Example: $OUT【512】=$IN【401】
; In this case output nr. 512 (bit 8 of byte 63)
; is linked to input nr. 401 (bit 1 of byte 50)
; Notes:
; IOLINKING means outputs follow inputs in the robot
; I/O-system (within ipo-cycle), regardless if they
; are mapped to drivers.
; Port ranges cannot be specified, each bit must be
; linked by itself.
; Only a maximum of MAX_IOLINKS can be configured (set
; in progress.ini, if this value is increased, robot
; functionality cannot be guaranteed!).
; 04/02/02 section 【IOLINKING】 added
这是文件,我是在wago750-504模块上添加一个数字输出端口,现在不知道如何配置这个端口 望高手指点 不胜感激