CitectSCADA V7.1正式发布 点击:1581 | 回复:1


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  • 帖子:17帖 | 134回
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  • 历史总积分:418
  • 注册:2006年12月29日
发表于:2008-12-15 22:25:08

CitectSCADA V7.1已经发布,新版本增加了很多新的功能,大家可以到www.citect.com去看看。

CitectSCADA version 7.10 includes the following new features:

CitectSCADA Security Enhancements – See the Security Addendum for information about security enhancements in this release.
Windows Integrated Security for Runtime - Allows security of your CitectSCADA Project at runtime to be managed using Windows Users and Groups. Please see the operational notes section for further information.
Multi-Signature Support – CitectSCADA now provides the facility for up to four users to approve an action or tag write operation using the new Cicode functions MultiSignatureForm and MultiSignatureTagWrite.
Project DBF Add-in for Excel - a tool to assist editing CitectSCADA DBF’s files via Microsoft’s Excel® 2003 and 2007.
Enhanced Driver Installation – From v7.10 the installation of these drivers is performed at the final stage of the product installation using a separate installation process. This installation process allows you to select individual drivers that you want to install, specific to your system and its I/O Devices.
New Font Selelection for Graphics Button - From v7.10 the text displayed on a button object can be configured in the same manner as other CitectSCADAtext objects within the Graphics Editor and the automation interface. This will allow you to present a more polished and consistent GUI to meet individual project runtime presentation requirements.
Vista Support - CitectSCADA now officially supports Microsoft’s Vista® (Service Pack 1). Due to security changes in Windows Vista, some modifications to the location of files have been made. These changes apply to all supported operating systems. See the Installation Guide for details of these changes.
Alarm Field Enhancements - It is now possible to write to the Custom Alarm fields during runtime and display them on the Alarm Display. Also two Alarm Properties have been added to enable CitectSCADA to interface with any third-party paging system. The Paging property is a flag to indicate that the alarm is going to be paged, the PagingGroup property is a freeform text field indicating the sequence of people to notify in the event the alarm occurred
Time Synchronization Service - provides a Vista® Ready Windows Service to accurately synchronize your computer from multiple sources. This service can be configured via the CitectSCADA Explorer.
Terminal Server Support – CitectSCADA now officially supports Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services. See for information.
VMWare Support – CitectSCADA now officially supports running on a Windows instance on VMWare® Infrastructure (VMWare® Server - ESX) provided the operating system CitectSCADA is running under is a supported operating system.


  • 精华:0帖
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  • 帖子:0帖 | 19回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:62
  • 注册:2009年1月06日
发表于:2009-01-09 16:15:11


