RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin RSLogix 5000 Setup
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Copyright 2006 Rockwell Automation Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Executing on: Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:49:14 PM
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Setting the current working directory to 【D:\AB\软件\RSLogix5000_16.03\RS5K_V16.03_Protected】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Setup is running from a drive of type 【non-removable (fixed) drive】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Graphics (GDI+) initialization was successful
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin creating the loading dialog
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End creating the loading dialog
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin initializing the loading dialog
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End initializing the loading dialog
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading procedure
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Checking operating system version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Operating system has been identified as 【WinXP】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Checking operating system version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Checking administrative rights
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Admin check succeeded: User is an admin
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Checking administrative rights
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Checking Internet Explorer version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Checking Internet Explorer version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Prompting for setup language
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1033】 【英文(美国)】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1031】 【德文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1034】 【西班牙文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1036】 【法文(法国)】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1040】 【意大利文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1046】 【葡萄牙文(巴西)】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1041】 【日文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【1042】 【韩文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Adding supported setup language to combo box 【2052】 【中文】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Operating system locale id 【2052】 is a supported setup language
RSLogix 5000 Setup: User interaction 【09182008084915】Next/Continue button was clicked
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Setup language has been set
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Preparing setup to restart after reboot
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Preparing setup to restart after reboot
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Checking Windows Installer version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Installed Windows Installer Version is 【3.1.4001.5512】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Required Windows Installer Version is 【2.0.2600.2】
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Checking Windows Installer version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Silencing Windows Installer
RSLogix 5000 Setup: End loading step: Silencing Windows Installer
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Begin loading step: Checking MSXML version
RSLogix 5000 Setup: Installed MSXML Version is 【4.20.9818】