LabVIEW为什么NI 6602的两个计数器中只能有1个工作
问题: 在使用PCI-6602的两个计数器,不过看起来只有一个在工作,请问该如何解决这个问题?
解答: 产生这个问题可能是因为在设置计数器的时候没有指定计数器组(counter group)。E系列的数据采集卡和基于NI-TIO的板卡(例如PCI-6602)不支持多个计数器的组,因此,需要设置每个计数器为一个单独的组。如果不为每个计数器设置单独的组,那么,当为下一个计数器调用Counter Group Config,vi,就会覆盖前面一个计数器的信息。
想设置两个计数器(0和1),用Counter 来配置计数器0,但是,没有配置计数器组,因为这是个选用的输入。正因为没有设置计数器组,所有计数器0被默认放置在0组。
如果要调用CounterGroup Config.vi再来配置计数器1,并且也没有配置计数器组。不能在同一个计数器组中有。
I wantto measure frequency, period, pulse width, semi period, two edge separation,position, velocity, duty cycle, or count edges
with myNI hardware. How do I wire up or connect my encoder to a counter?
Theencoder has five outputs: Channel A Out, Channel B Out, Channel A Inverse Out,Channel B Inverse Out and Z-Index.
Connectingthe encoder to a single counter:
1.Choose Channel A and Channel B or Channel A Inverse and Channel B Inverse. Donot connect a non-inversed and an inversed
channelto the same counter. For example, Channel A Out and Channel A Inverse Outshould not be connected to the same
2.After selecting a valid pair of inversed or non-inversed channels, make one ofthe following connections configurations
dependingon the channel pair selected:
ChannelA to Source
ChannelB to AUX
Z-Indexto Gate
ChannelA Inverse to Source
ChannelB Inverse to AUX
Z-Indexto Gate
An easyway to find the pin connections to these counters is to right click the devicein Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
andselect Device Pinout.
Connectingthe encoder to two counters:
In somecritical applications, a single encoder is connected to two counters to keeptrack of precise counting. To do this, make the
1.Connect the non-inversed pair of channels and the Z-Index to Counter 1 inConfiguration 1 above.
2.Connect the inversed pair of channels and the Z-Index to Counter 2 inConfiguration 2 above. The Z-Index is connected to both
Someencoders require a pull-up resistor to work properly with a DAQ device. Reviewthe specification sheet for the cDAQ and the
encoderto confirm if the resistor is needed and the value of it