LabVIEW开发 XY Graph DoubleScale双刻度 点击:88 | 回复:0


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发表于:2022-03-25 22:17:33

LabVIEW开发 XY Graph DoubleScale双刻度

试图在同一张图上绘制多个xy图。其中一些图需要在 Y 轴上以不同的方式缩放。如何动态打开其他 y 刻度并将多组数据绘制到不同的刻度,从而允许所有数据同时显示在不同的图上。







1 它生成一系列数据,在2个通道中,排序它们以在XY图中显示具有数组(簇的(x数组和y数组坐标))。

2 它在连续循环中读取布尔值,如果布尔值发生变化,则在小数位数 0 和小数位数 1 之间交换第二个通道。图形属性节点必须按以下顺序使用:

- 选择通道数据(写入活动绘图)

- 将数据发送到比例(写入 Y 比例索引)

- 选择比例(写入活动 Y 比例)

- 使其可见或不可见(写入可见)






More explanations : your question had two parts :

1/ "How does one dynamically turn on additional y scales "

You only need to make a predefined scale visible or not. I don't know how to CREATE a new scale dynamically in LabVIEW.

2/ "How does one dynamically  plot multiple sets of data to different scales"

If your data are stored in a 2D array, you will have to slice it, to separate the set of data (let's call them channels), using an index array function. Then you will have to decide on which scale a given channel will be displayed. You may use the max value, or the max-min amplitude, etc.

The example vi (Double scale) has 2 parts :

1/ it generates a series of data, in 2 channels, order them for display in a XY graph has an array of (clusters of (x array and y array coordinates)).

2/ it reads a boolean value in a continuous loop, and, if the boolean value changes, swap the second channel between scale 0 and scale 1. The graph attribute node has to be used in the following order :

- select a channel data (write to Active plot)

- send the data to a scale (write to Y scale index)

- select a scale (write to Active Y scale)

- make it visible or not (write to Visible)

However, plotting a large number of curves on a single graph pane is always a difficult challenge. The main issue is to maintain READABILITY.

When the data relate to events with different amplitudes or units, it is better to draw a maximum of 4 curves/graph, because most of the people will have difficulties in figuring which curve is what.

You will have to choose very carefully the color, the size, etc... to ease identification. Remember that a lot of people are colorblind to some degree.

Personnaly, I rarely draw/use more than 3 different scales.

Of course the difficulty will be increased if you decide to allocate dynamically the data to a given scale! Choosing the destination of a data serie is not a big issue, but how will you tell the reader that THIS curve is on scale A while others are on scale B (or C or D). You could play with color, but then how will you identify easily a given serie of data, while its color may change ?..

So, be carefull ! :








