DASERVER与两台PLC通信 点击:859 | 回复:0


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  • 历史总积分:27
  • 注册:2011年12月24日
发表于:2015-07-08 14:54:54

请教各位,我现在需要INTOUCH与两套PLC通信分别是400与300请问如何配置,我是通过DASERVER实现的,我现在在DASERVER 的SMC里面新建了两个连接问题是本地TSAP如何组态呢?帮助上是这么说的

S7 Connection
The S7 Connection has the following three configurable parameters.

Network Address
The IP address or host name of the remote S7 CP.
Type the network address where the PLC is located (for example, ""), or a host name if one is defined in the local hostlist. The address field cannot be blank and the IP address or host name cannot be more than 255 characters.

Local TSAP
The local TSAP of the computer. Select the Hex numbers for the connection resources from the menu. The Local TSAP consists of two (2) Hex numbers. The first number corresponds to the connection resource. Each number ranges from 00 to FF. The default values are 01 and 00, respectively.

Remote TSAP
This Remote TSAP corresponds to what you configured in the TSAP for the S7 CP. Configure the Remote TSAP by typing in the decimal numbers for the Remote Rack and Remote Slot, and by selecting the Hex number for the Connection Resource from the menu. The values for the Remote Rack No. and Remote Slot No. range from 0 to 255, with the default values of 0 and 3, respectively. The value for the Connection Resource ranges from 00 to FF. The default value is 03.



