我看GALIL 关于VB的例子中是这么用的
RC = DMCArrayDownload(hDmc, "AA", 0, 99, Data, Len(Data), BytesWritten)
下传数组的时候 需要以字符串的类型发送吗?
Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim Data As String
Dim BytesWritten As Long
Response = Space(256)
ResponseLength = 256
RC = DMCCommand(hDmc, "DA AA【】;DM AA【100】", Response, ResponseLength)
Data = "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9" + Chr$(13)
Data = Data & "0" + Chr$(13) + "1" + Chr$(13) + "2" + Chr$(13) + "3" + Chr$(13) + "4" + Chr$(13) + "5" + Chr$(13) + "6" + Chr$(13) + "7" + Chr$(13) + "8" + Chr$(13) + "9"
RC = DMCArrayDownload(hDmc, "AA", 0, 99, Data, Len(Data), BytesWritten)
If RC = 0 Then
MsgBox "Array downloaded successfully"
End If
End Sub
另外,VB中声明这个函数的时候,也有变量说明的,您仔细看一下。而且前面还有个说明“Array data can be delimited by a comma or CR (0x0D) or CR/LF (0x0D0A).”
“Buffer to write the array data from. Data does not need to be NULL terminated.”
PublicdeclareFunction DMCArrayDownload Lib "dmc32.dll" (ByVal hDmc As Long, ByVal ArrayName As String, ByVal FirstElement As Integer, ByVal LastElement As Integer, ByVal Data As String, ByVal DataLength As Long, BytesWritten As Long) As Long
‘ Download an array to the Galil controller. The array must exist. Array data can be
‘ delimited by a comma or CR (0x0D) or CR/LF (0x0D0A).
‘ NOTE: The firmware on the controller must be recent enough to support the QD command.
‘ hDmc Handle to the Galil controller.
‘ ArrayName Array name to download to the Galil controller.
‘ FirstElement First array element.
‘ LastElement Last array element.
‘ Data Buffer to write the array data from. Data does not need to be
‘ NULL terminated.
‘ DataLength Length of the array data in the buffer.
‘ BytesWritten Number of bytes written.