CAN-Tester for Windows 软件? 点击:293 | 回复:0


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  • 注册:2003年2月19日
发表于:2008-12-10 20:58:35

CAN-Tester for Windows 软件有用过的吗.是做什么用的.

下面这段代码是什么啊.是BECKHOFF的 LC5100模块的配置文件吗?

; configuration: Beckhoff LC5100 with can-tester SW
; date: 4.05.07 ,MZI
; autor: Martin Zimmermann
; modul-identifier: 8 (CAN adress)
; projekt: 23478A
; How to do磗: - LC5100 has to konfigurated via the dip-switches to
; 500kBaud (DIP7=1, DIP8=0) and
; node-id 9 (DIP1=1, DIP4=1) has also be adjusted.
; If you use a other node-id (CAN id) so all
; "609" have to be changed to "60n" ( n= can or node id in HEX )
; also all "209" have to be changed to "20n"
; - all 4 Rx and Tx PDO‘s are for SYNC configurated.
; that means with this canfiguration you can use
; a maximum of 64 Inputs and 64 Outputs
; - After finishing the configuration every 100ms is sended
; a SYNC, aboard with 【F9】

;********** SDO configuration LC5100 **********
609 22 11 10 01 6c 6f 61 64 ; Idx 0x1011, SIdx 1, load default values
@delay 100 ; delay 100ms

609 22 00 18 02 01 00 00 00 ; TxPDO1 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 01 18 02 01 00 00 00 ; TxPDO2 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 02 18 02 01 00 00 00 ; TxPDO3 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 03 18 02 01 00 00 00 ; TxPDO4 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms

609 22 00 14 02 01 00 00 00 ; RxPDO1 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 01 14 02 01 00 00 00 ; RxPDO2 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 02 14 02 01 00 00 00 ; RxPDO3 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms
609 22 03 14 02 01 00 00 00 ; RxPDO4 synchronised / cyclic after first SYNC
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms

609 22 06 10 00 40 42 0f 00 ; Sync intermittet 1000000us -> 1s
@delay 50 ; wait 50ms

609 22 10 10 01 73 61 76 65 ; save setting
@delay 3500 ; wait 3,5s, saving takes Beckhoff about 3s

;********** reset und switch to operational **********
000 81 00 ; NMT neset node
@delay 5000 ; wait 5s after reset
000 01 00 ; NMT start remote node (operational)

;********** test with 60ms SYNC‘s **********
@delay 2000 ; wait 2000ms
080 ; SYNC
208 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF ; PDO1 test outputs if there
@delay 2000 ; wait 2000ms
080 ; SYNC
208 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; PDO1 test outputs if there
@goto SYNCLOOP ; repeat SYNC


