收集英语笑话:) 点击:394 | 回复:4


  • 精华:1帖
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  • 帖子:30帖 | 652回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:1003
  • 注册:2005年5月31日
发表于:2008-04-21 10:56:51

偶尔看到几例英文笑话觉得很有意思 。列出几个,那位有更好的也写出来 。呵呵。

1,Mixed Doubles

Teacher of physical education: Have you ever seen mixed doubles,boys?

Mark: Yes,sir.Quite often.I saw it even last night.

Teacher:Please tell us something about it.

Mark:Oh sorry sir . My father always says,"Domestic shame should not be published."

2,My sister's Fingers

Teacher: Kevin ,why are you late this time?

Kevin: please sir ,I bruised two fingers knocking in a nail at home.

Teacher: I don't see any bandages.

Kevin: Oh, they weren't my fingers! I told my little sister to hold the nail.


  • 精华:36帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:426帖 | 6724回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:21846
  • 注册:2002年3月09日
发表于:2008-04-21 16:35:53



  • 精华:0帖
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  • 帖子:22帖 | 73回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:211
  • 注册:2008年1月14日
发表于:2008-05-07 15:51:04

Our Tails 我们的尾巴

The lecturer on evolution had been going on for nearly two hours. then he started again, and said he:"Let me ask the evolutionist a question --- if we had tails like a baboon, where are they?"
"I'll venture an answer, " said an old lady. "We have worn them off sitting here so long.".


  • 精华:0帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:106帖 | 363回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:2392
  • 注册:2007年9月02日
发表于:2008-05-07 16:05:49


  • 精华:0帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:1帖 | 72回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:0
  • 注册:1900年1月01日
发表于:2008-05-07 16:18:22
A German, an Italian and a Japanese soldier were captured by US army in WW II. They were sent to a mine to do labour work. The German soldier was the strongest, so he did the hard digging job. The Italian was fit enough, so he did the transporting work. The Japanese was thin and weak, so the US officer ordered him, "you are in charge of providing them all necessary SUPPLY".

During the first two days, the German and Italian were wondering why they never saw the Japanese anywhere. During the lunch break, the two found a place near a bush and sat down for a rest. Suddenly, the Japanese jumped out from the bush, with a strange smile on his face, and shouted to them, "SURPRISE!"


