发表于:2004-12-29 16:48:00
Private Sub Form_Activate()
start = False
blnExit = False
SETRST.Enabled = False
Do While Not blnExit
If start Then
CommFX.InBufferCount = 0
CommFX.OutBufferCount = 0
CommFX.Output = Chr(5) + DevDat + SumChk(DevDat)
Tim = Timer
If DevType = "XYM" Then '监控类型为位元件
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: GoTo FirstLoop
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount > 8
SetIn = CommFX.Input
If Left$(SetIn, 7) = Chr(2) + cboStation.Text + "FF0" + Chr(3) Then
SETRST.Caption = "SET"
ElseIf Left$(SetIn, 7) = Chr(2) + cboStation.Text + "FF1" + Chr(3) Then
SETRST.Caption = "RESET"
Text2.Text = "ONLINE ERROR"
End If
ElseIf DevType = "D" Then '监控类型为单字节D,T,C(16BIT)
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: GoTo FirstLoop
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount = 12
SetIn = CommFX.Input
If OptionD.Value Then
DevDData = Val("&H" + Mid(SetIn, 6, 4))
Text2.Text = CStr(DevDData)
Text2.Text = Mid(SetIn, 6, 4)
End If
ElseIf DevType = "2D" Then '监控类型为双字节D,C(32BIT)
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: GoTo FirstLoop
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount = 16
SetIn = CommFX.Input
If Device = "C" Then
DevDataStr = Mid(SetIn, 6, 8)
DevDataStr = Mid(SetIn, 10, 4) + Mid(SetIn, 6, 4)
End If
If OptionD.Value Then
If Left(DevDataStr, 4) = "0000" And Mid(DevDataStr, 5, 1) <> "0" Then
Text2.Text = CStr(Val("&H" + DevDataStr + "0") / 16)
Text2.Text = CStr(Val("&H" + DevDataStr))
End If
Text2.Text = DevDataStr
End If
End If
If Device = "C" Or Device = "T" Then '是计数器或计时器线圈
CommFX.InBufferCount = 0
CommFX.OutBufferCount = 0
CommFX.Output = Chr(5) + DevDatTC + SumChk(DevDatTC)
Tim = Timer
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: GoTo FirstLoop
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount > 8
SetIn = CommFX.Input
If Left$(SetIn, 7) = Chr(2) & cboStation.Text & "FF0" & Chr(3) Then
SETRST.Caption = "SET"
ElseIf Left$(SetIn, 7) = Chr(2) & cboStation.Text & "FF1" & Chr(3) Then
SETRST.Caption = "RESET"
Text2.Text = "ONLINE ERROR"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
start = False
blnExit = True
Set frmfx = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub fraComm2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "设置连接PLC的通信端口以及PLC的站号(应与D8121相同)"
End Sub
Private Sub Frame1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "实时监控/设置PLC的XYMTCD设备值"
End Sub
Private Sub OptionD_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "数据以十进制方式返回或设置"
End Sub
Private Sub OptionH_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "数据以十六进制方式返回或设置"
End Sub
Private Sub SETRST_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "对位元件(X,Y,M,T,C)线圈置位与复位"
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
SETRST.Enabled = False
start = False
fraComm1.Visible = True
fraComm2.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
char = Chr(KeyAscii)
setaddr = Text1.Text
If Len(setaddr) > 1 Then: setad = Right(setaddr, Len(setaddr) - 1)
KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(char)) '转换为大写
If KeyAscii = 13 Then '按回车键
Device = Left(setaddr, 1)
Text1.SelStart = 0
Text1.SelLength = Len(setaddr)
Text2.Enabled = True
If (Device = "X" Or Device = "Y" And Oct(Val("&o" + setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 178) Or (Device = "M" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And (Val(setad) < 1536 Or Val(setad) > 7999 And Val(setad) < 8256)) Then
DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFBR0" + Device + DevAdd + "01"
DevType = "XYM"
Text2.Enabled = False
SETRST.Enabled = True
start = True
End If
If Device = "D" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And (Val(setad) < 1000 Or Val(setad) > 7999 And Val(setad) < 8256) Then
DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
If Check1.Value = 0 Then
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFWR0" + Device + DevAdd + "01" '使用WR命令读16bit数据
DevType = "D"
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFWR0" + Device + DevAdd + "02" '使用WR命令读32bit数据
DevType = "2D"
End If
SETRST.Enabled = False
start = True
End If
If Device = "T" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 256 Then
DevAdd = Right(("000" + setad), 3)
DevDatTC = cboStation.Text + "FFBR0" + Device + "S" + DevAdd + "01" 'T的线圈状态
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFWR0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" 'T的数据值
DevType = "D"
SETRST.Enabled = True
start = True
End If
If Device = "C" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 256 Then
DevAdd = Right(("000" + setad), 3)
DevDatTC = cboStation.Text + "FFBR0" + Device + "S" + DevAdd + "01" 'C的线圈状态
If Val(setad) > 199 Then
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFWR0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" 'C200以上的数据值
DevType = "2D"
DevDat = cboStation.Text + "FFWR0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" 'C200以下的数据值
DevType = "D"
End If
SETRST.Enabled = True
start = True
End If
fraComm1.Visible = False
fraComm2.Visible = False
start = False
fraComm1.Visible = True
fraComm2.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "输入要监控或设置的地址回车确定,如D0,T10,Y7等"
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode <> 13 Then
start = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
char = Chr(KeyAscii)
KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(char))
If Device = "D" And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 1000 Then
start = False
End If
If (Device = "T" Or Device = "C") And CStr(Val(setad)) = setad And Val(setad) < 256 Then
start = False
End If
If KeyAscii = 13 Then
If Val(DevAdd) > 7999 Then
If MsgBox("改变系统参数可能对系统造成破坏,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbCritical) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
ElseIf MsgBox("改变当前值可能对运行造成危险,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
End If
If Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 0 Then
DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then
DevAdd = Right(("0000" + setad), 4)
DevAdd = Right(("000" + setad), 3)
End If
If OptionD.Value Then '十进制方式
If Device = "C" And Val(setad) > 199 Then 'C200以上写入
If Val(Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("00000000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 8)
ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then '双字节D写入
If Val(Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
DevDat1 = Right("00000000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 8)
DevDat1 = Right(DevDat1, 4) + Left(DevDat1, 4)
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "02" + DevDat1
If Val(Text2.Text) > 32767 Then: GoTo this
If Device = "D" Then '单字节D写入
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 4)
Else 'C200以下写入
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Hex(Val(Text2.Text)), 4)
End If
End If
Else '十六进制方式
If Device = "C" And Val(setad) > 199 Then 'C200以上写入
If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("00000000" + Text2.Text, 8)
ElseIf Device = "D" And Check1.Value = 1 Then '双字节D写入
If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 2847483647# Then: GoTo this
DevDat1 = Right("00000000" + Text2.Text, 8)
DevDat1 = Right(DevDat1, 4) + Left(DevDat1, 4)
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "02" + DevDat1
If Val("&H" + Text2.Text) > 32767 Then: GoTo this
If Device = "D" Then '单字节D写入
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Text2.Text, 4)
Else 'C200以下写入
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFWW0" + Device + "N" + DevAdd + "01" + Right("0000" + Text2.Text, 4)
End If
End If
End If
CommFX.Output = Chr(5) + DevDat1 + SumChk(DevDat1)
Tim = Timer
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: Exit Do
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount = 5
start = True
Exit Sub
start = False
End If
If Not (KeyAscii = 8) And (KeyAscii > 57 Or KeyAscii < 48) Then: KeyAscii = 0
End Sub
Private Sub SETRST_Click()
If Val(DevAdd) > 7999 Then 'M8000以上是重要系统参数,小心!
If MsgBox("改变系统参数可能对系统造成破坏,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbCritical) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
ElseIf MsgBox("改变当前值可能对运行造成危险,是否写入?", vbOKCancel + vbExclamation) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
End If
If start Then
start = False
CommFX.OutBufferCount = 0
CommFX.InBufferCount = 0
If (Device = "T" Or Device = "C") And SETRST.Caption = "SET" Then
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFBW0" + Device + "S" + DevAdd + "011"
ElseIf (Device = "T" Or Device = "C") And SETRST.Caption = "RESET" Then
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFBW0" + Device + "S" + DevAdd + "010"
ElseIf DevType = "XYM" And SETRST.Caption = "SET" Then
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFBW0" + Device + DevAdd + "011"
ElseIf DevType = "XYM" And SETRST.Caption = "RESET" Then
DevDat1 = cboStation.Text + "FFBW0" + Device + DevAdd + "010"
End If
CommFX.Output = Chr(5) + DevDat1 + SumChk(DevDat1)
Tim = Timer
If Timer > Tim + 1 Then: Exit Do
Loop Until CommFX.InBufferCount = 5
start = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommOpen()
If CommFX.PortOpen = False Then
CommFX.PortOpen = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommClose()
If CommFX.PortOpen = True Then
CommFX.PortOpen = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CommSet()
On Error GoTo err1
If CommFX.PortOpen = True Then
CommFX.PortOpen = False
End If
If Not CommFX.PortOpen Then
CommFX.CommPort = cboPort.ListIndex + 1 '通信口
CommFX.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" '固定值即可
CommFX.Handshaking = 0
CommFX.InputLen = 0
CommFX.OutBufferCount = 0
CommFX.InBufferCount = 0
CommFX.PortOpen = True
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
Private Function SumChk(Dats$) As String
Dim i&
Dim CHK&
For i = 1 To Len(Dats)
CHK = CHK + Asc(Mid(Dats, i, 1))
Next i
'SumChk = Right(Hex$(CHK + 3), 2)
SumChk = Right(Hex$(CHK), 2)
End Function
Private Sub Text2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
lblTopic = "实时显示监控到的数据,或改变数据后回车确定"
End Sub