LonWorks在交通运输中的应用(Presentation) 点击:626 | 回复:1


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  • 帖子:14392帖 | 54470回
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  • 历史总积分:622
  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2004-06-07 21:15:00
LONWORKS® in Transportation LONWORKS networks are designed to transform everyday devices... ...into intelligent, interoperable, networked devices that communicate on a peer-to-peer basis using open standards... ... accessible from anywhere in the world Who is Echelon? Echelon is a networking company that provides a common infrastructure called LONWORKS for networking everyday devices Echelon is the leader in networking everyday devices 13,000,000 devices shipped 4,000 OEMs worldwide producing >16,000 different products 90+ authorized network integrators Echelon is focused on four primary markets Echelon makes tools for building end-to-end solutions... ...for local and remote applications... The i.LONTM 1000 Internet Server Enables millions of existing LONWORKS products to be accessed via the Internet Combines a tunneling router with a Web server LONMARK® Interoperability Association Driving Globally Branded Interoperability 100% increase in LONMARK certified products in 1999 275+ members from 28 countries Interoperability design guidelines Product conformance testing Worldwide marketing programs Lowering Cost, Adding Value Freight Trains Passenger Trains Light Rail Vehicles Trucks Ships Buses Planes Emergency Vehicles Farm Equipment Automobiles Assembly Plants Echelon Makes Networking Everyday Devices Possible The LonTalk® Protocol: ANSI/EIA 709.1 Robust, field proven standardized protocol AAR standard for train braking IEEE standard for rail monitoring High performance, low cost transceivers for every application A robust and comprehensive network management architecture Complete suite of development tools A reliable source of supply and service The LONWORKS Industry Today Billions invested by thousands of companies Millions of everyday devices installed around us A de facto and official standard for networking everyday devices In homes, buildings, factories, and transportation systems Adopted by AAR, ANSI, ASHRAE, IEEE, IFSF, and SEMI Marathon Coach High-end RV motor coaches Country Coach High-end RV motor coaches Infotronics system uses LONWORKS to controls water heaters, heating, ventilation, air conditioning including hydronic heat Each coach has two copies of a custom LNS application (network management and the graphical user interface) and 16 to 20 Echelon control modules Two Liquid Crystal Displays allow the user to finger through easy-to-use menus Eliminates centralized control (allowing for rerouting of commands should a wire be cut) and reduces the cost of building, installing, and maintaining wiring harnesses Accent Electronic Controls Salt Trucks Integrated LonWorks system for salt dispensing trucks Dashboard-mounted display and truck bed-mounted actuators allow a single operator to operate a salt spreading truck – other systems require two operators Infrared receiver node mounted on vehicle dashboard allows an operator with an infrared remote control to reset operational parameters Allows selection and dispersal of solid salt, liquid salt, granular sand or any combination of the three via a bin conveyor and the spinning dispersal disk Conveyor and disk speed can be varied (automatically or manually) Road salting data and road condition data in conjunction with GPS data Metropolitan Bus Applications PACE bus system, Chicago GPS, fare box, engine/transmission control, passenger counting system Uses FT-10 channel Being retrofitted to 600 existing buses NJ Transit, Newark Fare box, destination signs, other multiplex wiring Kansas City Metropolitan Transport Bus tracking system Radio sign post location system AAR LONWORKS controlled electro-pneumatic braking systems Features and benefits; Up to 70% shorter stopping distances Reduces fuel consumption Uniform braking avoids wheel slip and wear Operating savings of $112 Million over 20 years ($531/car/year) Truck Rollover Prevention System Joint ventu


  • 精华:1099帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:14392帖 | 54470回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:622
  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2004-06-07 21:17:00
Train Architectures Train architectures New York City - R142 / R142A New York City - R142 / R142A New York City - R142 / R142A R142 / R142A T1/E1 link New Jersey Transit - Comet II New Jersey Transit - Comet II Car Network Long Island Railroad Santa Clara Light Rail The Project Santa Clara Light Rail Architecture Proposed Architecture AAR - ECP brake


