发表于:2003-10-14 18:26:00
Discussion about i.LON600,L-IP,i.LON1OOO
--L-IP is an EIA852 LonWorks/IP router.
--LOYTEC L-IP supports NAT.
--i.LON 1000 is compatible EIA852 LonWorks/IP router,in additional, a embedded web server
--ECHELON i.LON 1000 does not support NAT.
--New i.LON600 is an EIA852 LonWorks/IP router.
--ECHELON new i.LON 600 supports NAT.
--L-IP embedded CS supports 200 EIA852 Nodes(including EIA852 LonWorks/IP Router) on the same IP-852 channel(the same IP Subnet)
--i.LON 1000 PC based CS supports 40 EIA852 Nodes(including EIA852 LonWorks/IP Router) on the same IP-852 channel(the same IP Subnet)
--i.LON 600 CS is PC based or embedded? supports how many EIA852 nodes(router) on the same IP subnet?
--Both L-IP and i.LON 600 are high performance EAS852 LonWorks/IP routers.
--i.LON 600 brings lowest price in LonWorks/IP router market now.
--L-IP will be the same price as i.LON 600 sooner?
Thank you, any comments
Kind regards
Zhuo Yi