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  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2002-11-01 14:09:00
One of our DeviceNet suppliers did not furnish an EDS file. The vendor said that the EDS file was optional. Is this true? Answered by Gil Jones, System Architecture SIG Member, e-mail: A3) The original DeviceNet specification stated that device configuration information must be supplied. Looking at the specification, Volume II, Chapter 4, section 4-2.1 you can find the enumeration of: A printed data sheet An Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) Parameter Objects and Parameter Object Stubs A combination of an EDS and Parameter Object Stubs A configuration assembly and any of the above methods After several large DeviceNet customers complained that some manufacturers were not supplying EDS file(s), vendor-supplied EDS files became a requirement to pass conformance testing. The vendor is required to supply you configuration information. He must supply an EDS file to successfully pass conformance testing. I am working on a DeviceNet scanner and now I am thinking about how to setup the scan list. My idea was to write a plug-in to DeviceNetManager that reads the information about all slaves and does the required mapping into our systems memory. What is the standard way to setup a DeviceNet scanner? Do you have any comments on my idea to use DeviceNetManager? Answered by Ray Romito, DeviceNet Trainer, e-mail: A26) All the people that write their own scanner product (that I^m familiar with) also devise their own method for configuring it. This is either their own custom application or it is done, not from the network but from the scanner host interface. My company, Rockwell Automation, also sells a master stack for DeviceNet that provides all the standard features of our scanner products, and it also can be configured with RSNetworx for DeviceNet by simply creating an EDS file for your product that has some vendor specific information in it. The tool knows how to configure scanners based on our stack. Similar products are available from other companies that offer a master stack.


