Microsoft VS.Net and Echelon i.LON 100使用 点击:1704 | 回复:1


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  • 帖子:14392帖 | 54470回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:622
  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2002-08-16 22:10:00
VB.NET code you need to upload an i.LON 100 datalog and write it to SQL server. Imports System.Data.SqlClient


  • 精华:1099帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:14392帖 | 54470回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:622
  • 注册:2008年9月08日
发表于:2002-08-16 21:58:00
Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form -ADO.NET objects for accessing MS SQL Server Dim sqlConn As New SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=myDB;uid=sa") Dim sqlReader As SqlDataReader Dim sqlCmd As New SqlCommand() Private Sub printf(ByVal s As String) lstPrintf.Items.Add(s) lstPrintf.SetSelected(lstPrintf.Items.Count - 1, True) If lstPrintf.Items.Count > 500 Then lstPrintf.Items.Clear() End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Static first_activation As Boolean = True Dim s As String -Change mouse to hourglass Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor -Only go through this code once If first_activation Then -Set up and open a connection to SQL Server sqlConn.Open() - The first thing well try is a select from the VACOMLOG table - If the select throws an exception, we assume the VACOMLOG table - has not yet been created sqlCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM VACOMLOG WHERE ID=1" sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn Try printf("Checking database to see if VACOMLOG table exists...") sqlReader = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader() sqlReader.Close() Catch -We got to this code because the read atempt above failes. printf("Couldnt find the VACOMLOG table, creating new VACOMLOG...") s = "CREATE TABLE VACOMLOG " s = s & "(id int identity not null," s = s & "timestamp smalldatetime not null," s = s & "unit varchar(50) not null," s = s & "pointname varchar(200) not null," s = s & "value varchar(50)," s = s & "location varchar(50)," s = s & "sourceAddr varchar(10)," s = s & "status varchar(20) )" sqlCmd.CommandText = s sqlCmd.Connection = sqlConn sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End Try first_activation = False End If At this point we know the SQL table exists and we can connect to it. printf("Database connection and table verified....") Create a iLON100 object based on the i.LON100s WSDL file Dim ilon As New WebReference1.iLON100() Specify the IP location of the i.LON 100 we want to hit s = ilon.Url ilon.Url = s.Replace("localhost", "") Dim ret As String Dim data As String -Setup the input parameter required to read the first datalog data = "0" - Execute the SOAP call. (XML snippet is returned) printf("Uploading i.LON100 datalog...") ret = ilon.DataLoggerRead(data) printf("Parsing results...") Dim xmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument() Dim xmlNav As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator Dim dataValues As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim timestamps As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim pointNames As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim locations As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim sourceAddresses As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim units As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Dim statuses As System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator Parse the XML snippet xmlDoc.LoadXml(ret) xmlNav = xmlDoc.CreateNavigator() Create iterators for the values we care about dataValues = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTvalue") timestamps = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTlogTime") pointNames = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTpointName") locations = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTlocation") sourceAddresses = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTlogSourceAddress") units = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTunit") statuses = xmlNav.Select("/iLONDataLogger/Log/Element/UCPTpointStatus") printf("Writing to SQL...") - Walk through the datalog creating table rows in SQL as we go While (dataValues.MoveNext()) timestamps.MoveNext() pointNames.MoveNext() locations.MoveNext() sourceAddresses.MoveNext() units.MoveNext() statuses.MoveNext() s = "insert VACOMLOG (timestamp, unit, pointname, value, location, sourceAddr, status) " s = s & " values(" & timestamps.Current.Value() & s = s & units.Current.Value() & " s = s & pointNames.Current.Value() & s = s & dataValues.Current.Value() & s = s & locations.Current.Value() & s = s & sourceAddresses.Current.Value() & s = s & statuses.Current.Value() & ")" sqlCmd.CommandText = s sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery() printf(dataValues.Current.Value() & " " & timestamps.Current.Value()) End While printf("Done") Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default End Sub End Class


