Opto 22在美国管线SCADA系统上部分应用实例 点击:1148 | 回复:0


  • 精华:8帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:18帖 | 14回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:154
  • 注册:2003年3月15日
发表于:2003-06-01 21:24:00
Opto pipeline projects in the US Kern River Pipeline (Formerly Williams Pipeline) Cathodic Protection on 950 miles of Natural Gas Pipeline from Wyoming to California. 50 locations 23 currently operational.All units time-synchronized to within l mS using GPS. Transwestern Pipeline-complete, system wide (40+ locations) compressors station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors (250+ Units) Northern Natural Gas-complete, (10+locations) compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors (50+. Units) Tennessee Gas Pipeline-complete, (15+ locations) compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine and electric motor driven compressors (15+. Units). Williams Field Services-complete compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors. EI Pasio Energy-complete, (15+ locations)compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors. East Ohio Gas Company-pressure regulation, gas measurement , compressor station control all with remote control-system wide Peoples Gas, Light & Coke-pressure regulation, gas measurement, comppessor station control all with remote control-system mide Florida Gas-comoplete, (17+ locations) compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors (17+units) Houston Pipeline-complete, (5+ locations) compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors (23+units) Usa Compression-pressure regulation, gas measurement, compressor station control all with remote control (40+ units) Williams Pipeline-Monitoring microwave radio communication of the pipeline Bp Anschutz-complete, (6+ locations) compressor station automation with remote control capability for engine, gas turbine, and electric motor driven compressors.


