发表于:2005-05-19 13:13:00
1. 可兼容各厂家配料称重仪表。
Compatible with different material weighing systems
2. 可同时控制多达12台秤(称),控制输入/输出多达64路。
Up to 12 weighing to be controlled simultaneously, up to 64 input and output
3. 电脑直接与仪表通信,采样速度快、无延时、从而为配料的精度提供了有力的保证。
Direct communication between computer and instrumentations, quick sampling with no lag, which leads to a high material accuracy
4. 智能化控制配料时间,配料各秤(称)之间无任何等待,生产周期短、配料速度快。
Short production cycle and fast material feeding via the smart control of the material feeding time, no waiting between weighing equipments.
5. 落差自动校正,保证称量精度。
Automatic fall compensation to ensure the accuracy
6. 从软件上采用了容错处理,硬件上采用了抗干扰技术,抗干扰能力更强,控制运行更可*。
Error permissive function from the software and anti-disturbance in hardware to increase the system reliability
7. 软件同时具有自动/手动操作功能,方便生产调试.
Both Auto and Manual operating function are available which is easy for production and commissioning
8. 强大的动态配置功能,可根据用户需求动态设定称斗数量、料仓数量、仪表种类及通讯协议参数等。
Powerful dynamic configuration of customer specific numbers of hoppers, containers, instrument types and communication protocols
9. 强大的报表功能,自动存贮、打印及时生产报表和各种物料消耗报表。
Powerful reporting and documentation function: automatic saving and printing of current production and material consuming data
10. 完善的数据查询功能,可根据用户需求动态查询各种生产报表及统计报表。
Comprehensive data query function for various production data and statistic data
11. 强大的网络功能使搅拌站内部各生产线之间及搅拌站之间和管理部门之间真正实现资源共享。从而保证数据的完整性和一致性,并可通过互联网进行软件的远程维护。
Truly resource sharing among the production lines, mixing stations and the administration departments via the powerful network to ensure the data integrity and uniformity, plus a possible remote software maintenance via internet.
12. 后台数据库为ORACLE9i.,系统参数、生产数据统一纳入ORACLE9i数据库管理之下,存贮容量大、性能可*、数据修改、维护方便。
System parameters, manufacturing data is being supervised by the background ORACLE9i database with huge storage capacity and highly reliability. It is also easy for data changing and maintenance.