发表于:2008-03-05 09:44:00
边缘学科 frontier science
成组技术 group technology
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
to encourage the integration of natural and social sciences
工业园区 industrial park
general, key and support technologies
国家创新体系 a state system for encouraging innovation
国家重点实验室 national key laboratories
火炬计划 Torch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)
技术产权交易所 technology equity market; technology property right exchange
技术交底 confide a technological secret to sb.
技术密集产品 technology-intensive product
技术下乡 spread technological knowledge to farmers
加大……的力度 strengthen the efforts to
交叉学科 interdisciplinary branch of science
develop this generation of products while researching the next generation of products
科技与经济脱节 science and technology are out of line from the economy
科技成果转化为生产力 transfer of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces
科技含量 technology content
科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force.
科技体制改革 reform of the science and technology management system
科教兴国 rely on science, technology and education to rejuvenate the nation
科教兴国战略 strategy of developing China through science, technology and education
科研院所管理体制改革 reform of the system for managing research institutes
可持续发展战略 strategy of sustainable development
academicians of the Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy&