First check the RSLinxEnterprise Communication Setup. This errorwill be generated if RSLE has not yet been configured for the application. This is the most common cause of the error. OpenRSLinxEnterprise Communication Setup and click OK. Continue to the following steps if the error persists during runtime creation.
1、Open C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Rockwell\RSLinx Enterprise and delete the RsLinxNG.xmlfile
2、Open C:\Program Files\Rockwell Software\RSLinx Enterpriseand copy the DefaultTemplate.xml file to C:\Documents And Settings\All Users\Application Data\Rockwell\RSLinx Enterprise
3、Remove or Rename the original RSLinxNG.xml file from the directory, and then rename the DefaultTemplate.xml that was just copied into this directory to RSLinxNG.xml.
4、Reboot the computer