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  • 注册:2009年3月07日
发表于:2017-12-25 12:45:23

The robot controller can control up to 6 external axes.飞洒范德萨范德萨大锅饭sad广泛的sag倒萨股份

A kinematic system can consist of up to 3 external axes.

The robot controller can control up to 6 kinematic systems.

Areas of application

Kinematic systems are used if the robot has to work on a moving workpiece.

Kinematic systems extend the workspace of the robot, e.g. linear units,

Cartesian gantries.

Kinematic systems improve the accessibility of the workpiece, e.g. twoaxis

positioner, positioner.

External axes are used if the robot is not working on the workpiece that has to

be moved.

External axis that turns the workpiece ready for a subsequent operation,

e.g. loading device

External axis as drive unit for tools, e.g. electric motor-driven welding gun


2.2 Kinematic system types

Overview The following kinematic system types are implemented by KUKA:

External ROBROOT kinematic system

External BASE kinematic system

External TOOL kinematic system


kinematic system

ROBROOT kinematic systems move the robot, e.g. the KUKA linear unit.

BASE kinematic


BASE kinematic systems move the workpiece, e.g. two-axis positioner and


Fig. 2-1: Robot on linear unit

10 / 115 Issued: 15.02.2011 Version: KSS 5.5, 5.6 Zusatzachsen V1 en

External Axes

TOOL kinematic


TOOL kinematic systems move the tool, e.g. the external adhesive nozzle for

the application of adhesive to glass.

Fig. 2-2: Two-axis positioner

Fig. 2-3: Three-axis positioner

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2 Fundamentals

2.3 Motion types

Overview External axes can be moved synchronously or asynchronously to the robot axes.

In order to execute asynchronous motions, external axes must be switched

to asynchronous mode.

The following options are available for switching external axes to asynchronous


KRL statement ASYPTP: can be used in the robot and submit interpreters

and in interrupt programs.

(>>> 9.3.2 "ASYPTP" Page 89)

System variable $EX_AX_ASYNC

(>>> 8.6.1 "$EX_AX_ASYNC" Page 84)

Asynchronous external axes cannot be moved asynchronously of one another.

Simultaneous motions are possible, e.g.:

If 2 consecutive ASYPTP statements are programmed, the second motion

does not start until the first motion has been completed, e.g.:

Synchronous In the case of a synchronous motion, all the axes involved (robot axes and external

axes) execute a common motion, starting simultaneously and stopping

simultaneously. The axis position of the external axes is contained in every

taught point (E6POS).

Fig. 2-4: External adhesive nozzle

Asynchronous external axes are not supported by an industrial robot

with the SafeOperation option installed. Asynchronous external axes

are treated like synchronous external axes by the SafeRDC.


ASYPTP {E1 90, E2 20}



ASYPTP {E1 90}

ASYPTP {E2 20}


12 / 115 Issued: 15.02.2011 Version: KSS 5.5, 5.6 Zusatzachsen V1 en

External Axes

Asynchronous In the case of an asynchronous motion, the external axes execute a motion

that is not synchronized with the robot axes.

Fig. 2-5: Synchronous robot and external axis motion

1 Robot motion

2 Synchronous motion of an external axis

Synchronous motions

Mathematically coupled Non-coupled

The robot calculates its motion path

in relation to the position of the

kinematic system.

The kinematic system must be calibrated.

The robot calculates its motion path

without taking the position of the

external axis into consideration.

The external axis need not be calibrated.


Turn-tilt table, positioner

KUKA linear unit

Note: A ROBROOT kinematic

system is always mathematically

coupled and is not calibrated.


Electric motor-driven welding

gun in program mode

Turnover positioner

Fig. 2-6: Asynchronous robot and external axis motion



