求Vijeo Designer 6.2的授权代码,通过网页无法授权,通过电子邮箱给的回答是普通版本,要购买Vijeo Designer 6.2的授权码。现在急用,不知道怎么弄?求大神们帮帮忙!
Good Morning, The serial number 21040100004 with part number VJDSNDTGSV62M is not a valid license. It's just a generic serial number which is shown by trying to register Vijeo 6.2 within SoMachine 4.1. You can use this Vijeo Designer also without the valid license (parallel to already activated SoMachine v4.1) – in this case the Vijeo Designer project should be integrated into SoMachine project (it's not enough just to have the SoMachine running). In case you want to use Vijeo 6.2 separately, you need to buy an extra Vijeo Designer 6.2 license with unique serial number. Thank you 网页授权结果是说授权达到最大,无法授权。