好成绩值多少钱? 点击:195 | 回复:7


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发表于:2013-01-03 22:21:50


What‘s an ‘A‘ Worth?

For many parents, paying children for getting A‘s in school seems like a great way to motivate them. Sometimes it works. But it‘s not always that simple.


Paying for A‘s can actually discourage some kids from working hard. It can create frustration and resentment among kids with siblings. In fact, if the ultimate goal is to encourage the character traits that will help children fulfill their potential throughout life, paying for A‘s can fail.


‘It comes down to knowing the child and what they are working through,‘ says Dan Keady, a certified financial planner and director of financial planning at financial-services firm TIAA-CREF.

注册理财规划师、金融服务公司TIAA-CREF的理财规划总监丹?基迪(Dan Keady)说:“归根结底,我们应该了解孩子和他们为之努力的事情。”

Facts of Life


Almost half of parents pay kids at least $1 for getting an A, according to a July poll conducted for the American Institute of CPAs, a New York-based professional association. Among those who pay, the average reward for an A is more than $16.

总部位于纽约的专业协会美国注册会计师协会(American Institute of CPAs)今年7月份进行了一项调查,结果显示,约一半父母会给得A的孩子至少一美元的奖励。在那些给钱的父母中,给得A孩子的平均奖励高于16美元。

‘Paying for grades is one way to prepare them for adult life,‘ says Mark DiGiovanni, a certified financial planner in Grayson, Ga.

佐治亚州格雷森(Grayson)的注册理财规划师马克?迪乔瓦尼(Mark DiGiovanni)说:“按成绩给钱是让他们对成人生活做好准备的一种方法。”

‘One of the big facts of adult life is that you do get paid for performing well,‘ he says. ‘So this is a way of showing young people that when you do something well, you can get financially rewarded for it. And when you do something poorly, you don‘t.‘


But sometimes it gets complicated. One danger is that students will see the value in schoolwork only when there‘s a cash payout. ‘The downside of using money as a motivator is that it discourages true learning and changes the purpose for learning,‘ says Neal Van Zutphen, a certified financial planner in Mesa, Ariz.

但有时事情会更复杂。一种危险是,学生只有在有金钱奖励时才能看到课业的价值。亚利桑那州梅萨市(Mesa)的注册理财规划师尼尔?范楚特芬(Neal Van Zutphen)说:“使用金钱作为激励手段的缺点是,它打击真正的学习热情,扭曲了学习的目的。”

That‘s not just a philosophical issue; it has practical implications. Some students will quit trying to learn once they‘ve earned a reward for reaching a specific goal, experts say. So the student who gets an A without too much effort might coast the rest of the way, never reaching his or her full potential.


For students who have a tougher time in school, paying for A‘s can have a similar effect. ‘If they don‘t get an A they can become discouraged,‘ reducing their drive to achieve their personal best, Mr. Van Zutphen says.


Rather than reward grades with cash, Mr. Van Zutphen suggests that parents identify skills and character traits that can support long-term success: things like self-regulation, determination, curiosity, grit and resilience.


‘Encourage them to develop these qualities that demonstrate that they will be able to continue to succeed,‘ Mr. Van Zutphen says. That encouragement can include cash rewards, he says, but other powerful tools include verbal encouragement and praise for children‘s efforts as well as their accomplishments.


Family Matters


Rewarding effort, not just a specific grade, can be important in families with children who have varying academic abilities. A single standard of achievement for the family may discourage, or at least fail to motivate, kids whose siblings find it easier to get higher grades.


‘It wouldn‘t seem fair for one child to be rewarded for marginal efforts, and the other child not to be rewarded at all,‘ says Mr. DiGiovanni, the Georgia financial planner. ‘When dealing with children, you should strive to be equitable, which is not the same thing as being equal. This requires greater effort, but I think it can be worth it in the long run.‘


Deciding on goals that merit rewards can be a discussion between parents and children.


‘The kids will many times set the bar higher than the parents would. Kids like to be challenged,‘ according to Mr. DiGiovanni. ‘The persistence and discipline to get good grades are the real rewards, and they will carry those things throughout their life.‘


Money Talk


Frequency is another factor to consider. Offering cash every time kids ace a weekly quiz can quickly add up.


‘The best number for each family is going to depend on that family‘s financial circumstances and the age of their children,‘ says Clare Levison, a certified public accountant in Blacksburg, Va.

弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡(Blacksburg)的注册会计师克莱尔?利维森(Clare Levison)说:“每个家庭给钱的最佳次数取决于这个家庭的财务状况和孩子的年龄。”

After financial rewards are doled out, parents have a role in helping the child figure out what will be done with the money. Does the child have total control over it? Should parents insist that some is saved?


One option is to put the money, or at least a portion of it, toward something for the child‘s benefit -- maybe a car, a computer or savings for college. However parents choose to handle this, it‘s important to keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to encourage behavior that will serve children well for the rest of their lives.


‘What will the money be used for? Will this be discretionary spending?‘ says Jordan Amin, a certified public accountant in Edison, N.J. ‘If little Johnny gets $10 every time he gets good grades and uses that to buy a new Xbox and there‘s no savings program put into place, how will that affect his future saving and spending habits?‘

新泽西州爱迪生(Edison)的注册会计师乔丹?阿明(Jordan Amin)说:“这些钱将用来做什么?它是可以自由支配的开支吗?如果小约翰尼(Johnny)每次考出好成绩都能得到10美元,并用这笔钱买一台新Xbox,那么就存不下钱干别的事了,这将如何影响他未来的储蓄和消费习惯呢?”


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发表于:2013-01-03 23:03:16


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发表于:2013-01-04 08:29:35

江湖混混-余 辉

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发表于:2013-01-04 09:07:28
成绩只代表过去  不代表将来


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发表于:2013-01-04 09:29:54


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发表于:2013-01-04 11:59:17
引用 江湖混混-余 辉 的回复内容:成绩只代表过去  不代表将来


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发表于:2013-01-04 12:00:38
引用 江湖走走--原创军团 的回复内容:据我所知都不值钱,反而成绩不好的--容易逆境成功!



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发表于:2013-01-04 13:35:00


