前段时间看drivewindow light使用手册,里面讲到drivewindow light可以连接ACS800变频器。
The term ACS800 series is used in the same way as ACS 100-400 and DCS400 drives. The term includes the ACS800 drive series and if not otherwise mentioned the ACS600 drive series. Standard, pump and fan control together with spinning control applications are supported. The drives belong to the range of the DriveIT Low Voltage AC Drives.
苦于没有NPCU-01 adapter一直没有测试,昨天又研究了一下手册。发现NPCU-01 adapter其实也就是个RS232/RS485 Adapter,这就好办了,找出一个RS232/RS485 转换器准备折腾一下。经过折腾终于连上了。
drivewindow light截图