发表于:2007-03-29 10:52:00
关键词 串行口,DWORD,缓冲区
WIN95界面下的VC++串口通讯程序在WIN32下是不建议对端口进行操作的,在WIN32中所有的设备都被看成是文件,串行口也不例外也是作为文件来进行处理的。这是我的一份关于串口编程的读书笔记,对于使 用VC进行编程的同行应该有一定的帮助。
在Window 95下串行口作为文件处理,使用文件操作对串行口进行处理。使用CreateFile()打开串口,CreateFile()将返回串口的句柄。
HANDLE CreateFile(
LPCTSTR lpFileName, // pointer to name of the file
DWORD dwDesiredAccess, // access (read-write) mode
DWORD dwShareMode, // share mode
LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, // pointer to security attributes
DWORD dwCreationDistribution, // how to create
DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, // file attributes
HANDLE hTemplateFile // handle to file with attributes to copy
lpFileName: 指明串口制备,例:COM1,COM2
dwDesiredAccess: 指明串口存取方式,例:GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE
dwShareMode: 指明串口共享方式
lpSecurityAttributes: 指明串口的安全属性结构,NULL为缺省安全属性
dwCreateionDistribution: 必须为OPEN_EXISTIN
dwFlagAndAttributes: 对串口唯一有意义的是FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
hTemplateFile: 必须为NULL
BOOL SetupComm(
HANDLE hFile, // handle of communications device
DWORD dwInQueue, // size of input buffer
DWORD dwOutQueue // size of output buffer
typedef struct _COMMPROP { // cmmp
WORD wPacketLength; // packet size, in bytes
WORD wPacketVersion; // packet version
DWORD dwServiceMask; // services implemented
DWORD dwReserved1; // reserved
DWORD dwMaxTxQueue; // max Tx bufsize, in bytes
DWORD dwMaxRxQueue; // max Rx bufsize, in bytes
DWORD dwMaxBaud; // max baud rate, in bps
DWORD dwProvSubType; // specific provider type
DWORD dwProvCapabilities; // capabilities supported
DWORD dwSettableParams; // changeable parameters
DWORD dwSettableBaud; // allowable baud rates
WORD wSettableData; // allowable byte sizes
WORD wSettableStopParity; // stop bits/parity allowed
DWORD dwCurrentTxQueue; // Tx buffer size, in bytes
DWORD dwCurrentRxQueue; // Rx buffer size, in bytes
DWORD dwProvSpec1; // provider-specific data
DWORD dwProvSpec2; // provider-specific data
WCHAR wcProvChar[1]; // provider-specific data
BAUD_075 75 bps
BAUD_110 110 bps
BAUD_134_5 134.5 bps
BAUD_150 150 bps
BAUD_300 300 bps
BAUD_600 600 bps
BAUD_1200 1200 bps
BAUD_1800 1800 bps
BAUD_2400 2400 bps
BAUD_4800 4800 bps
BAUD_7200 7200 bps
BAUD_9600 9600 bps
BAUD_14400 14400 bps
BAUD_19200 19200 bps
BAUD_38400 38400 bps
BAUD_56K 56K bps
BAUD_57600 57600 bps
BAUD_115200 115200 bps
BAUD_128K 128K bps
BAUD_USER Programmable baud rates available