求助,OpcClient 点击:807 | 回复:0


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  • 历史总积分:6
  • 注册:2004年5月09日
发表于:2004-05-20 10:50:00
我用Delphi开发opc客户端,通过自动化接口,基本上已经完成,只有一处解决不了,请各位大侠帮忙,感激不尽! 问题主要是对OpcItems接口的Remove函数,它的说明文档如下: Syntax Remove (Count As Long, ServerHandles() As Long, ByRef Errors() As Long) Count: The number of items to be removed ServerHandles: Array of server item handles for the items processed Errors: Array of Long’s indicating the success of the individual items operation. 在VB中使用很简单,但在Delphi中就复杂一些,主要是因为SafeArray,下面是我的Delphi代码 procedure TFormMain.BtnDelClick(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; Item: TListItem; Handles, Errors: PSafeArray; Bound: TSAFEARRAYBOUND; Temp: ^integer; begin if ListGroup.SelCount > 0 then begin // Create SafeArray Bound.lLbound := 1; Bound.cElements := ListGroup.SelCount; Handles := SafeArrayCreate(varInteger, 1, Bound); // Fill SafeArray 以下是把要删除点的Serverhandle放入Handles数组 i := 0; Item := ListGroup.Selected; while Item <> nil do begin Inc(i); New(Temp); Temp^ := StrToInt(Item.SubItems.Strings[0]); SafeArrayPutElement(Handles, i, Temp); //填入ServerHandle Item := ListGroup.GetNextItem(Item, sdAll, [isSelected]); end; // Remove try Itms.Remove(ListGroup.SelCount, Handles, Errors); //调用这个函数老是出错,原因是内存访问异常 finally // Free SafeArray SafeArrayDestroy(Handles); end; end; end; 不知我的用法对不对?


