OPC错误代码0x80040202是什么意思? 点击:5157 | 回复:0


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  • 帖子:42帖 | 177回
  • 年度积分:4
  • 历史总积分:837
  • 注册:2005年12月11日
发表于:2009-08-28 13:27:03
我连接到一个OPC Server的时候,提示0x80040202错误,这是我找到的错误代码说明,看的不太明白,哪位大哥翻译一下。 This error is returned to the client application from the Windows Operating System. A search of the Microsoft knowledge base indicates that error code 0x80040202 is a CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT error. The CONNECT_E_CANNOTCONNECT error is returned when the server calls the IConnectionPoint::Advise (Server) method and fails. The knowledge base indicates that this can happen when the Common file OPCProxy.dll is out of Sync with other files that are dependent upon it or that it is dependent upon. This can happen if you update the server and the update fails. You can also see this error if you install another OPC application and it changes one but not all of the files used. The best solution is to rerun the latest KEPServerEX install and it should re-sync those files. Ultimately you could deletethe OPCproxy.dll and OPCcomn_ps.dll files and re-run the install so that our files are placed there. If you choose to deleteand replace the files it is possible that this could effect other applications. For more information on this error please refer to Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 183216.


