西门子1200贪吃蛇 程序带触摸屏 可仿真 SCL 博图V14
西门子1200贪吃蛇 程序带触摸屏 可仿真 SCL 博图V14
对: 郭远林 这个不错,我晚上测试一下,刚刚的,我看看能不能教我侠门玩玩 内容的回复!
macro_command main()
bool Line_one[16],Line_two[16],Line_three[16],Line_four[16],Line_five[16],Line_six[16]
bool Line_seven[16],Line_eight[16],Line_nine[16],Line_ten[16],Line_eleven[16],Line_twelve[16]
bool Line_thirteen[16],Line_fourteen[16],Line_fifteen[16],Line_sixteen[16],Line_seventeen[16]
bool Line_eighteen[16],Line_nineteen[16],Line_twenty[16]
bool Line_matrix[320],display_matrix[320],snake_matrix[320]
bool new_game,start_flag,pause_flag,new_game_button,run_game
bool true_bool = true,false_bool = false
bool up_control,down_control,left_control,right_control
bool up_flag,down_flag,left_flag,right_flag
bool game_over=false,eat_flag
short start_rand,start_pos,next_rand,next_point,snake_point[320],snake_length,index,snake_last_point[320]
short speed,score,best_score,flash_index,search_snake
short snake_end,pre_direction
float start_point,start_float
short snake_first,snake_last
GetData(new_game, "Local HMI", LB, 2, 1)
GetData(start_flag, "Local HMI", LB, 0, 1)
GetData(pause_flag, "Local HMI", LB, 1, 1)
GetData(up_control, "Local HMI", LB, 3, 1)
GetData(right_control, "Local HMI", LB, 4, 1)
GetData(down_control, "Local HMI", LB, 5, 1)
GetData(left_control, "Local HMI", LB, 6, 1)
GetData(speed, "Local HMI", RW, 28, 1)
GetData(best_score, "Local HMI", RW, 21, 1)
//GetData(Line_one[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_two[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 1.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_three[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 2.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_four[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 3.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_five[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 4.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_six[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 5.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_seven[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 6.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_eight[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 7.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_nine[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 8.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_ten[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 9.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_eleven[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 10.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_twelve[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 11.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_thirteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 12.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_fourteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 13.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_fifteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 14.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_sixteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 15.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_seventeen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 16.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_eighteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 17.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_nineteen[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 18.0, 16)
//GetData(Line_twenty[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 19.0, 16)
GetData(Line_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
if new_game and not game_over then
game_over = false
score = 0
snake_length = 1
eat_flag = false
SetData(false_bool, "Local HMI", LB, 100, 1)
FILL(Line_matrix[0], 0, 320)
FILL(display_matrix[0], 0, 320)
SetData(Line_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
SetData(display_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
new_game_button = true
run_game = true
new_game = false
down_flag = true
pre_direction = 2
end if
if new_game_button and not new_game then
start_pos = start_rand/100
if start_pos>=320 then
start_pos = 319
end if
snake_first = start_pos
next_point = next_rand/100
if next_point>=320 then
next_point = 319
end if
snake_point[start_pos] = 1
Line_matrix[start_pos] = true
display_matrix[start_pos] = true
display_matrix[next_point] = true
SetData(Line_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
SetData(display_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
new_game_button = false
end if
if start_flag then
run_game = true
end if
if pause_flag then
run_game = false
end if
if up_control and pre_direction<>2 then
up_flag = up_control
down_flag = false
left_flag = false
right_flag = false
pre_direction = 1
else if down_control and pre_direction<>1 then
down_flag = down_control
up_flag = false
left_flag = false
right_flag = false
pre_direction = 2
else if left_control and pre_direction<>4 then
left_flag = left_control
up_flag = false
down_flag = false
right_flag = false
pre_direction = 3
else if right_control and pre_direction<>3 then
right_flag = right_control
up_flag = false
down_flag = false
left_flag = false
pre_direction = 4
end if
if run_game then
if up_flag then
Line_matrix[start_pos] = false
display_matrix[start_pos] = false
if start_pos>15 then
if not eat_flag then
snake_end = start_pos
if snake_length>=2 then
for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_point[flash_index] = snake_last_point[flash_index]
next flash_index
end if
start_pos = start_pos - 16
snake_point[start_pos] = 1
snake_point[snake_end] = 0
else if eat_flag and snake_length == 1 then
snake_end = start_pos
eat_flag = false
snake_last_point[snake_end] = 1
start_pos = start_pos - 16
snake_first = start_pos
snake_point[snake_end] = snake_last_point[snake_end]
snake_point[start_pos] = 1
snake_last = snake_end
snake_length = snake_length + 1
else if eat_flag and snake_length <> 1 then
for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_point[flash_index] = snake_last_point[flash_index]
next flash_index
start_pos = start_pos - 16
snake_first = start_pos
snake_point[start_pos] = 1
eat_flag = false
snake_length = snake_length + 1
end if
else if start_pos<=15 then
game_over = true
end if
for search_snake = 0 to 319 step 1
if snake_point[search_snake] == 1 then
Line_matrix[search_snake] = true
display_matrix[search_snake] = true
end if
next search_snake
//for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
// snake_last_point[flash_index] = snake_point[flash_index]
//next flash_index
else if down_flag then
Line_matrix[start_pos] = false
display_matrix[start_pos] = false
if start_pos<=303 then
start_pos = start_pos + 16
else if start_pos>303 then
game_over = true
end if
Line_matrix[start_pos] = true
display_matrix[start_pos] = true
//for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
// snake_last_point[flash_index] = snake_point[flash_index]
//next flash_index
else if left_flag then
Line_matrix[start_pos] = false
display_matrix[start_pos] = false
if start_pos<>0 and start_pos<>16 and start_pos<>32 and start_pos<>48 and start_pos<>64 and start_pos<>80 and start_pos<>96 and start_pos<>112 and start_pos<>128 and start_pos<>144 and start_pos<>160 and start_pos<>176 and start_pos<>192 and start_pos<>208 and start_pos<>224 and start_pos<>240 and start_pos<>256 and start_pos<>272 and start_pos<>288 and start_pos<>304 then
start_pos = start_pos - 1
else if start_pos==0 or start_pos==16 or start_pos==32 or start_pos==48 or start_pos==64 or start_pos==80 or start_pos==96 or start_pos==112 or start_pos==128 or start_pos==144 or start_pos==160 or start_pos==176 or start_pos==192 or start_pos==208 or start_pos==224 or start_pos==240 or start_pos==256 or start_pos==272 or start_pos==288 or start_pos==304 then
game_over = true
end if
Line_matrix[start_pos] = true
display_matrix[start_pos] = true
//for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
// snake_last_point[flash_index] = snake_point[flash_index]
//next flash_index
else if right_flag then
Line_matrix[start_pos] = false
display_matrix[start_pos] = false
if start_pos<>15 and start_pos<>31 and start_pos<>47 and start_pos<>63 and start_pos<>79 and start_pos<>95 and start_pos<>111 and start_pos<>127 and start_pos<>143 and start_pos<>159 and start_pos<>175 and start_pos<>191 and start_pos<>207 and start_pos<>223 and start_pos<>239 and start_pos<>255 and start_pos<>271 and start_pos<>287 and start_pos<>303 and start_pos<>319 then
start_pos = start_pos + 1
else if start_pos==15 or start_pos==31 or start_pos==47 or start_pos==63 or start_pos==79 or start_pos==95 or start_pos==111 or start_pos==127 or start_pos==143 or start_pos==159 or start_pos==175 or start_pos==191 or start_pos==207 or start_pos==223 or start_pos==239 or start_pos==255 or start_pos==271 or start_pos==287 or start_pos==303 or start_pos==319 then
game_over = true
end if
Line_matrix[start_pos] = true
display_matrix[start_pos] = true
//for flash_index = 0 to 319 step 1
// snake_last_point[flash_index] = snake_point[flash_index]
//next flash_index
end if
if next_point == start_pos then
next_point = next_rand/100
if next_point>=320 then
next_point = 318
end if
display_matrix[next_point] = true
SetData(display_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
score = score + 1
SetData(score, "Local HMI", RW, 20, 1)
eat_flag = true
end if
if score>best_score then
best_score = score
SetData(score, "Local HMI", RW, 21, 1)
end if
SetData(Line_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
SetData(display_matrix[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
end if
if game_over then
run_game = false
SetData(true_bool, "Local HMI", LB, 100, 1)
end if
end macro_command
sub short RAND_num(short para)
return para
end sub
macro_command main()
bool button_flag[3],game_run,game_over,game_pause,game_init,eat_flag,bool_true = true,bool_false = false
bool display_snake[320],display_init[320]
short direction,pro_direction,get_dir,init_dir = 1
short snake_head_p,snake_cell_p,snake_body_p[318]
short snake_martix[320],snake_pre_martix[320]
short score,best_score,snake_length,speed
short start_rand,next_rand,next_point
short init_index,display_index,count_index,length_index
short temp_body,temp_next_body,temp_last_body
GetData(get_dir, "Local HMI", LW, 0, 1)
GetData(button_flag[0], "Local HMI", LB, 0, 3)
GetData(speed, "Local HMI", RW, 28, 1)
if get_dir==1 and pro_direction<>2 then
direction = 1
pro_direction = 1
else if get_dir==2 and pro_direction<>1 then
direction = 2
pro_direction = 2
else if get_dir==3 and pro_direction<>4 then
direction = 3
pro_direction = 3
else if get_dir==4 and pro_direction<>3 then
direction = 4
pro_direction = 4
end if
if button_flag[2] then
score = 0
SetData(score, "Local HMI", RW, 20, 1)
snake_length = 3
SetData(bool_false, "Local HMI", LB, 100, 1)
eat_flag = false
game_over = false
game_pause = false
game_init = true
end if
if game_init and not button_flag[2] then
if start_rand >= 32000 then
end if
snake_head_p = start_rand/100
if snake_head_p%16 > 2 then
snake_body_p[0] = snake_head_p - 1
snake_cell_p = snake_head_p - 2
init_dir = 4
SetData(init_dir, "Local HMI", LW, 0, 1)
direction = 4
pro_direction = 4
else if snake_head_p%16 <= 2 then
snake_body_p[0] = snake_head_p + 1
snake_cell_p = snake_head_p + 2
init_dir = 3
SetData(init_dir, "Local HMI", LW, 0, 1)
direction = 3
pro_direction = 3
end if
next_point = next_rand/100
if next_point >= 320 or next_point == snake_head_p or next_point == snake_body_p[0] or next_point == snake_cell_p then
end if
next_point = next_rand/100
display_init[next_point] = true
for init_index = 0 to 319 step 1
if init_index == snake_head_p or init_index == snake_body_p[0] or init_index == snake_cell_p then
snake_martix[init_index] = 1
display_snake[init_index] = true
display_init[init_index] = true
SetData(display_snake[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
SetData(display_init[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
end if
snake_pre_martix[init_index] = snake_martix[init_index]
next init_index
game_run = true
game_init = false
end if
if game_run then
if direction == 1 then
if snake_head_p > 15 then
if not eat_flag then
snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[0]
if snake_length>3 then
for length_index = 0 to snake_length-4 step 1
//temp_last_body = length_index + 4
temp_next_body = length_index + 1
snake_body_p[length_index] = snake_body_p[temp_next_body]
//if temp_next_body == 1 then
// break
//end if
next length_index
end if
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p - 16
else if eat_flag then
for length_index = 3 to 318 step 1
if length_index == snake_length then
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p - 16
eat_flag = false
end if
next length_index
end if
for count_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_martix[count_index] = snake_pre_martix[count_index]
next count_index
snake_martix[snake_head_p] = 1
else if snake_head_p <=15 then
game_over = true
end if
else if direction == 2 then
if snake_head_p <= 303 then
if not eat_flag then
snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[0]
if snake_length>3 then
for length_index = 0 to snake_length-4 step 1
//temp_last_body = snake_length - 4
temp_next_body = length_index + 1
snake_body_p[length_index] = snake_body_p[temp_next_body]
next length_index
end if
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 16
//snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
//for length_index = snake_length down 3 step 1
// temp_body = length_index-3
// snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[temp_body]
// snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
//next length_index
//snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 16
else if eat_flag then
for length_index = 3 to 318 step 1
if length_index == snake_length then
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 16
eat_flag = false
end if
next length_index
end if
for count_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_martix[count_index] = snake_pre_martix[count_index]
next count_index
snake_martix[snake_head_p] = 1
else if snake_head_p > 303 then
game_over = true
end if
else if direction == 3 then
if snake_head_p<>0 and snake_head_p<>16 and snake_head_p<>32 and snake_head_p<>48 and snake_head_p<>64 and snake_head_p<>80 and snake_head_p<>96 and snake_head_p<>112 and snake_head_p<>128 and snake_head_p<>144 and snake_head_p<>160 and snake_head_p<>176 and snake_head_p<>192 and snake_head_p<>208 and snake_head_p<>224 and snake_head_p<>240 and snake_head_p<>256 and snake_head_p<>272 and snake_head_p<>288 and snake_head_p<>304 then
if not eat_flag then
snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[0]
if snake_length>3 then
for length_index = 0 to snake_length-4 step 1
//temp_last_body = snake_length - 4
temp_next_body = length_index + 1
snake_body_p[length_index] = snake_body_p[temp_next_body]
next length_index
end if
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p - 1
//snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
//for length_index = snake_length down 3 step 1
// temp_body = length_index-3
// snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[temp_body]
// snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
//next length_index
//snake_head_p = snake_head_p - 1
else if eat_flag then
for length_index = 3 to 318 step 1
if length_index == snake_length then
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p - 1
eat_flag = false
end if
next length_index
end if
for count_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_martix[count_index] = snake_pre_martix[count_index]
next count_index
snake_martix[snake_head_p] = 1
else if snake_head_p==0 or snake_head_p==16 or snake_head_p==32 or snake_head_p==48 or snake_head_p==64 or snake_head_p==80 or snake_head_p==96 or snake_head_p==112 or snake_head_p==128 or snake_head_p==144 or snake_head_p==160 or snake_head_p==176 or snake_head_p==192 or snake_head_p==208 or snake_head_p==224 or snake_head_p==240 or snake_head_p==256 or snake_head_p==272 or snake_head_p==288 or snake_head_p==304 then
game_over = true
end if
else if direction == 4 then
if snake_head_p<>15 and snake_head_p<>31 and snake_head_p<>47 and snake_head_p<>63 and snake_head_p<>79 and snake_head_p<>95 and snake_head_p<>111 and snake_head_p<>127 and snake_head_p<>143 and snake_head_p<>159 and snake_head_p<>175 and snake_head_p<>191 and snake_head_p<>207 and snake_head_p<>223 and snake_head_p<>239 and snake_head_p<>255 and snake_head_p<>271 and snake_head_p<>287 and snake_head_p<>303 and snake_head_p<>319 then
if not eat_flag then
snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[0]
if snake_length>3 then
for length_index = 0 to snake_length-4 step 1
//temp_last_body = snake_length - 4
temp_next_body = length_index + 1
snake_body_p[length_index] = snake_body_p[temp_next_body]
next length_index
end if
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 1
//snake_pre_martix[snake_cell_p] = 0
//for length_index = snake_length down 3 step 1
// temp_body = length_index-3
// snake_cell_p = snake_body_p[temp_body]
// snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
//next length_index
//snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 1
else if eat_flag then
for length_index = 3 to 318 step 1
if length_index == snake_length then
temp_body = snake_length-3
snake_body_p[temp_body] = snake_head_p
snake_head_p = snake_head_p + 1
eat_flag = false
end if
next length_index
end if
for count_index = 0 to 319 step 1
snake_martix[count_index] = snake_pre_martix[count_index]
next count_index
snake_martix[snake_head_p] = 1
else if snake_head_p==15 or snake_head_p==31 or snake_head_p==47 or snake_head_p==63 or snake_head_p==79 or snake_head_p==95 or snake_head_p==111 or snake_head_p==127 or snake_head_p==143 or snake_head_p==159 or snake_head_p==175 or snake_head_p==191 or snake_head_p==207 or snake_head_p==223 or snake_head_p==239 or snake_head_p==255 or snake_head_p==271 or snake_head_p==287 or snake_head_p==303 or snake_head_p==319 then
game_over = true
end if
end if
for display_index = 0 to 319 step 1
//if display_index == snake_head_p or display_index == snake_body_p[0] or display_index == snake_cell_p then
if snake_martix[display_index] == 1 then
display_snake[display_index] = true
display_init[display_index] = true
else if snake_martix[display_index] <> 1 then
display_snake[display_index] = false
display_init[display_index] = false
end if
snake_pre_martix[display_index] = snake_martix[display_index]
next display_index
if next_point == snake_head_p then
next_point = next_rand/100
if next_point >= 320 or next_point == snake_head_p or next_point == snake_body_p[0] or next_point == snake_cell_p then
end if
next_point = next_rand/100
snake_length = snake_length + 1
eat_flag = true
score = score + 1
SetData(score, "Local HMI", RW, 20, 1)
end if
display_init[next_point] = true
SetData(display_snake[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 0.0, 320)
SetData(display_init[0], "Local HMI", RW_Bit, 30.0, 320)
if score>best_score then
best_score = score
SetData(score, "Local HMI", RW, 21, 1)
end if
end if
if game_over then
game_run = false
SetData(bool_true, "Local HMI", LB, 100, 1)
game_over = false
end if
if button_flag[0] then
game_run = true
end if
if button_flag[1] then
game_run = false
end if
end macro_command
.感谢楼主 ,楼主辛苦