Profinet 协议栈 集成到RTOS 点击:71 | 回复:2


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  • 帖子:1帖 | 0回
  • 年度积分:53
  • 历史总积分:53
  • 注册:2024年9月12日
发表于:2024-09-12 15:17:40

协议栈是Molex提供的 ,  集成了来自Zurich University of Applied Sciences:::

const char * PnioDevice::m_pRPC_OBJECT_UUID = "DEA00000-6C97-11D1-8271-000000000000";

PnioDevice::PolledTimer  *PnioDevice::m_pConnectReqDelayTimer = NULL;
GefMutex     *PnioDevice::m_pConnectReqDelayTimerLock = NULL;

* Macros to send asynchronous requests to the Profinet controller stack.
#define SEND_ABORT_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext) {\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioAbortRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext);\
#define SEND_CONNECT_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext){\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioConnectRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext);\

#define SEND_DECLARE_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext,pDownload){\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioDeclareRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext,pDownload);\

#define SEND_RELEASE_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext){\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioReleaseRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext);\

#define SEND_UNDECLARE_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext){\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioUndeclareRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext);\

#define SEND_BACKUP_REQ(deviceNum,pArep,pContext){\
    PnioAsyncCommandPtr pReq = PnioRequestBackupRequest::create(deviceNum,pArep,pContext);\

* PnioDevice
        const T_BYTE                 deviceNumber,
        const std::string &          deviceName,
        const T_UINT16               vendorID,
        const T_UINT16               deviceID,
        const T_UINT16               deviceInstance,
        const T_UINT32               ipAddress,
        const T_UINT32               ipNetmask,
        const T_UINT32               ipGateway,
        const T_MAC_ADDRESS          controllerMacAddress,
        const T_UINT16               controllerVendorId,
        const T_UINT16               controllerDeviceId,
        const std::string            controllerName,
        const IPnioDeviceClientWeakPtr & pClient) :
    m_stackDeviceNumber(NB_MAX_CONNEXION + UNSIGNED_ONE),
    if (NULL == pClient.lock())
        throw NullPointerException(
                    std::string(__FILE__) + " : Null PnioDeviceClient!");
    // If we do not yet have a Connect Request Delay Timer (which is shared
    //  by all PnioDevice instances) Then
    if (NULL == m_pConnectReqDelayTimer)
        // Create the "static" Connect Request Delay Timer, setting it up to
        // have it indicate that it is already expired (that way, the first
        // connect request will proceed without delay).
        // NOTE: This object is intentionally never deleted - we want this
        //       to mimic a real static object (can't make it a real static
        //       object since it is derived from GefObject, and GefObjects
        //       can't be static).
        m_pConnectReqDelayTimer = new PolledTimer(true);
    // If we do not yet have a Connect Request Delay Timer lock (which is shared
    //  by all PnioDevice instances) Then
    if (NULL == m_pConnectReqDelayTimerLock)
        // Create the "static" lock for the Connect Request Delay Timer.
        // NOTE: This object is intentionally never deleted - we want this
        //       to mimic a real static object (can't make it a real static
        //       object since it is derived from GefObject, and GefObjects
        //       can't be static).
        m_pConnectReqDelayTimerLock = new GefMutex();
    // Get the device's IP address in string format.
    SCODE status = osaNetDwordInetAddrToStr(m_ipAddress, m_ipAddrStr);
    if (FAILED(status))
        throw InstanceNotInitializedException(
                            "PnioDevice::PnioDevice - Failed IP addr string convert.");

    // Create and clear the alarm tallies for this device.
    m_pAlarmTallySet = PnioAlarmTallySet::create();
    // Create and clear the tallies for Connects, Disconnects and Aborts on this device.
    m_pConnectTallySet = PnioConnectTallySet::create();

* ~PnioDevice
        // Note, freePnioDeviceHeapMemory is called here to free the memories
        // allocated using the new operator in declarePnioDevice.
        // The static analysis tool fails to catch this redirection, it
        // expects to find the corresponding deletes being done explicitly
        // in the destructor.

        // Note: We do not free the objects pointed to by
        // m_pConnectReqDelayTimer and m_pConnectReqDelayTimerLock, since
        // those objects are intended to be "static" objects used by all
        // instances of the PnioDevice class.
        // Log a fault to indicate we had a failure.
                    0, NULL);

*********** Copyright 2005 Zurich University of Applied Sciences / InES  **************
**  File             : mrp_portitf.c
**  Description      : This file implements the mrp_portitf interface used to access
**                     the OS dependent system calls from the MRP protocol.
**                     Functions to implement:
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_Init
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_Cleanup
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_receive
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_send
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_setPortState
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_getPortState
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_signalLocalLinkChange
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_getLinkState
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_getMAC
**                     - MRP_PortItf_T_getNumberOfPorts
**  The interfaces in this file assume "logical" (as opposed to physical) port number
**  references.  In the case of the RX3i PNS, 0-3 refer to external ports 1-4,
**  respectively.  Port 4 refers to the "interface" port.  It's not expected
**  that any of these routines use the interface port.                                              



  • 精华:0帖
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  • 帖子:0帖 | 23回
  • 年度积分:21
  • 历史总积分:71
  • 注册:2022年6月03日
发表于:2024-10-04 20:04:00





  • 精华:0帖
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  • 帖子:0帖 | 16回
  • 年度积分:92
  • 历史总积分:92
  • 注册:2025年2月05日
发表于:2025-02-05 12:47:23





