FRNC-5PC.V8.0 通用加热炉工艺计算软件 点击:2136 | 回复:0


  • 精华:0帖
  • 求助:0帖
  • 帖子:6帖 | 0回
  • 年度积分:0
  • 历史总积分:48
  • 注册:2012年11月30日
发表于:2013-03-04 20:38:25

FRNC-5PC is a rating program for general purpose fired heaters. Based on user-supplied heater geometry and process information, the program calculates operating parameters such as firing rate, heater efficiency, tube skin temperatures and required tube thicknesses, gas-side temperatures and draft, process temperatures, pressure drop and flow regimes, heat duties and fluxes, and much more.
FRNC-5PC simulates most heater types, coil configurations, tube and fin types, and external transfer lines. FRNC-5PC can simulate the heat recovery sections of any types of furnaces, boilers and turbines.
FRNC-5PC has user-friendly graphical input systems. The input systems contain on-line help and input limit and error checking.
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FRNC-5PC contains an automatic stream property generator for common chemical compounds and typical petroleum fractions. Users can optionally supply their own stream property profiles. The program features International and US/English unit systems forinputandoutput.
Following are some of the many uses of FRNC-5PC:
 Reduce Heater Operating Costs
 Increase Heater Capacity
 Evaluate Process Changes
 Check New Heater Designs
 Minimize Unplanned Shutdowns


